Chapter 36

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This is happening. After school, I'm going to sneak off to my old house and steal whatever I can find to prove my innocence. I can't tell Karkat because he'd want to come too, and I can't risk him getting hurt if I'm found out.

This'll be hard but I've got to fix this. Stop the vicious cycle. This is going to happen, and it's going to happen tonight.

I looked up at the clock. 1:50. I get out in ten minutes. This whole class period was a waste of time. I had sat here, devising a plan, instead of actually learning something. Hm. Guess you can't win them all.

The plan is simple really. Sneak into the house while they're out, go into the basement to find the safe, and steal my computer back. Seems like a pretty decent plan.

The bell rung and the class filed out of the room, I as always being the last one to leave, completely based on unimportance. I went to my locker, keeping my eye on my peripherals. I found that looking agitated and or irritated always helped with the stares I got. I quite honestly was fed up with it. People want to act like assholes, they are going to be treated that way.

I slammed my locker shut and turned, only to be greeted by Karkat, who had been waiting for me.


"Yeah, let2 get out of here."

As we went down the hall, I spotted Eridan. He was talking to the other fish girl, Feferi. He noticed me, and looked away. His hand was wrapped up and he held it against his chest as I walked by, similarly to the other night. I scoffed and turned my attention forward, pushing the door open out into the parking lot.

Almost immediately, a mixture of smells ranging from rain and freshly cut grass flooded into my nose. God, I was never going to get used to this, was I? Eh, anything is better than the constant smell of honey. There were puddles everywhere and the sun reflected off of them and into my eyes. I blinked a few times and moved out of the glare. Again, I don't think I was ever going to get used to this.

Karkat stopped to tie his shoe, so I waited for him. I happened to stop in front of a puddle. I looked down at it, then froze. What I had expected to see was my own reflection but instead... I saw her. Aradia. She looked back up at me, coping all of my movements. My eyes widen and I covered my mouth, and she did the same. Was I imagining this?? I had to be.... There's no way this was real..

A person stepped in front of me, causing the puddle to ripple. Once it returned to its natural, unmoving state, Aradia was gone and replaced with me.

Damn my imagination was getting the best of me. What kind of sick joke was I pulling on myself? Not funny.

"EARTH TO CAPTOR, HELLOO?" Karkat waved his hands in front of me, trying to grab my attention.

"Huh?" I look up at Karkat.


How cliché. "Oh, whoop2. ii kiind of zoned out." That's a good enough excuse for now.

Karkat looked at me for a moment, then turned and headed toward our bus. The ride was pretty short today, considering all he and I did was talk about our day and people we now have a strong disliking for. Like that stupid Strider kid and his sidekick. I'd like to side-kick them both into next week.

At our stop, Karkat and I got off the bus. We waited for it to drive off and the other kids to disperse before we started our walk home. Our hands met and we interlocked our fingers.


It was about four now. I was starting to get antsy. If I waited any longer, I was going to miss my chance.

"Hey KK?"

Karkat looked up from his notebook, which he was doing his homework in. "HM?"

"ii'm goiing two go take a walk, okay?"


I got up, put on my school backpack which was now empty, grabbed a pair a gloves quickly before he noticed, slipped on my hoodie and sneakers, and went over to Karkat. I leaned down and pecked his lips. "ii'll be back later."

I left quickly after that. I set a mental course for my old house. I pulled my gloves on over my hands and practically sprinted to get to my destination.

The gloves we're a necessary precaution. My mother being a ex forensic science engineer, knew exactly what to look for if someone were to break in, and that was fingerprints. Her, being the person who birthed me, knew exactly what my fingerprints looked like.

My old home came into my sight. I tensed a little, but was relieved when I noticed the car was missing from the driveway.

Get in and get out. Make it quick Captor, make it quick.

I walked around the the side of the house and caught my breath from running. I looked down and found the basement window. I kneeled beside it and pushed against the glass. It wouldn't budge. Great.

I ended up smashing the window with my feet, causing shattered glass to smash into the concrete floor below. I kicked out any protruding glass that would catch my clothes, and jumped down. I felt the glass break a bit more under my feet as I landed on the ground. I didn't bother to clean it up because once these tapes are shown to the public, broken glass will be the least of their worries.

The room seemed to be untouched for years. There were crates of god knows what, covered by large, white tarps. The walls were made up of huge cement bricks. They all seemed pretty solid... accept for one on the far wall. It looked as if it were put in last minute, and wasn't sealed properly. That's the brick I was looking for.

When I pulled the brick out, it made a loud boom as it hit the ground. Not my greatest idea... but what was behind it made me smile. The room that held the safe was now accessible. I wriggled into the room through the new entrance and got onto my feet. It was a small room, but it held a purpose.

There it was. The safe. My spirits lifted a little when I approached it. It was a classic combination lock, but I decided to skip that, and just use my psionics to do the honors for me.


Ah, music to my ears. The door swung open and I was greeted by piles of tapes and DVDs. Almost immediately I started to fit as much of them as I could in the backpack I brought with me. After this task was completed, there were still some left over. I'm sure what I had is enough for now. If they want more they could always just come here and get the rest. I turned around and shoved the bag out through the entrance, and I followed. I stood back up after I pushed the brick back into place and slung the bag over my shoulder. Part one finished. Part two is a go.

I swiftly made my way up the stairs and into the main part of the house. My next move was to go up the stairs and to my old room. When I went into the room. it seemed to be completely untouched. That was a huge surprise considering.

I located my lap top on my desk. Man, did I missed this thing. I packed it up along with the wires I needed into my computer bag. A small smile creeped onto my face. Part two completed. I was just about to make my out when I heard the door downstairs open and close.

I panicked a little and without think, I stepped forward toward the window. Just my luck, a creak was followed by my movement. I heard a voice from the floor below and I froze.

"Did you hear that?" A women's voice asked.

InsaneStuck [Sollux x Karkat]Where stories live. Discover now