2: hands

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hyosun finished roughly blow-drying her hair as she stood in front of the silver body sized mirror in the dorm that she was gonna stay in for 1 more week. how her school had the money, she didn't even know. they were graduated for god sake, why'd they invest in this trip?

the girl shrugged off her thoughts and reached out to turn off the dryer before it would burn her hair and set it down on the table side. she looked one last time in the mirror before turning on her heel and flopping onto one of the beds in the room. now she was just waiting for her roomate.

kang sulha was a petite girl who had had guys follow her around all throughout high school. she was a social butterfly, hanging around various groups of people, and always earning other's trust. she would go around in different social groups, but always had one of her friends by her side; hyosun. hyosun and sulha were an inseparable duo. they were always together and always ended up together in every activity. their whole class knew it, and they never tried to interfere.

sulha stepped out of the bathroom, the heated steam pouring out along with the sound of pop music through the speakers. the brunette slung the speakers by her fingers while her hair was balanced into a bun, water still cascading down her shoulder blades as they fell from loose strands of hair. a robe was slung across her body, the thin towel belt lightly wrapped into a knot. hyosun shifted her head to face the girl as she got ready, groaning as sulha reached out to grab a different shirt.

"it's your 5th time changing!"


the two girls stepped out of the room, one whining as they didn't have 'enough' time, with the other bouncing on the balls of her feet, relieving herself in the beachy breeze. the sun was at its peak of heat, bringing itself up as it neared noon. the two girls continued down the sidewalk, passing along groups of their classmates and strangers visiting the beach. hyosun had been the first one noticed by the boys, as hoseok shouted out her name as the girls took faster steps towards the group of boys.

"where's the rest?" sulha's grin faltered a bit, when realizing that a certain someone wasn't among the group of boys.

"yoongi hyung's still sleeping if you were wondering." park jimin grinned mischievously at sulha, the girl earning a couple of snickers and a nudge from hyosun.

"why don't you go check up on him?" the girl beside her cracked a smile as she saw her best friend stammer under the teasing manner of the group around her.

"i-if he's still sleeping we'll let him just do his own thing." sulha stuttered out, avoiding the teasing grins of hoseok and jeon jeongguk; the other raven haired boy in the group.

"sure, so he can have energy for later." jimin hummed out, causing sulha to choke on her own breath, laughter erupting from the group.


the group huddled and decided on heading towards a froyo store nearby. the group started walking along the sidewalk, hoseok and jeongguk debating on which flavors to choose, jimin teasing sulha about yoongi, and a certain boy walking with hyosun.

hyosun felt her heart beat faster as the two walked side by side, their arms grazing once a while. taehyung's arms were warm after basking in the sun for so long. hyosun questioned if the air was thickening around them, and in order to focus on other things than her beating heart, the girl looked up, gazing at their surroundings of the side of the harbor. there was a summer breeze in the air, the salty scent of the sea and the fresh breeze that fluttered through the girl's hair. the air was filled with joyous noises, friends and family laughing, kids playing, and the laughter of the brunet beside her.

hyosun's heart twirled as taehyung laughed along to one of hoseok's jokes as he led the group, the girl's mind focused solely on the depth and melody of his laughter. she started to thank god for creating such a beautiful creature when a loud clatter broke the spell that had been cast on her mind.

the only thing hyosun saw before she clenched her eyes was a skater speeding right at her. she kept her eyes clenched, awaiting the hit and fall, but it never came. the girl cautiously opened one eye, not really knowing what was happening, expecting something painful.

painful to her heart that is.

the boy's eyes were stern as they looked at the girl, and hyosun was intrigued. she had never seen this, dark side of taehyung before. hyosun lost herself in his gaze, nearly missing out on their position. the girl froze again as she felt his large hands caress her waist through the thin material of her kimono. she felt the warmth of his fingers laying delicately on the sheer layer on her skin

she didn't want him to let go.

but he did.

her eyes followed his as he kept his stern gaze on the skater that was behind the two. the skater seemed like he was apologizing, but hyosun couldn't focus. her skin that was just in contact with his fingers were burning, sparking with memory of his light touch, delicate as if she had been fragile in his grasp.

taehyung's eyes that been so intense a moment ago flickered back to being the cheerful and bright gaze once the skater skated away. he looked down at hyosun before he pouted, pulling her body towards his.

she was about to cover her fluster with a complain about the heat and the proximity of the two, when he slid his hand down to her hand, fitting the two together.

and so she took his hand, well- his engulfed her perfectly manicured ones, and they fit perfectly. 



oof tae's hands are blessings

hixtape was such a bOP i stan a talented man named jung hoseok 

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