6: empty

10 1 1

hyosun was still held by jeongguk as the younger dozed off to sleep, taking a small nap from the exhausting day that he had gone through. sulha on the other hand was chatting quietly with yoongi, the two's legs tangled as they talked in their own world about- music probably.

the girl was still anxious that she couldn't go with taehyung to go get food, and she was even more anxious by the information that sulha had practically shouted at her a few hours ago. hyosun was pondering on the fact if it had been an overly exaggerated rumor, or if it was something real.

she wished it wasn't.


it wasn't hyosun. taehyung frowned for a millisecond before blinking himself back into reality.

"joohyunnie? what are you doing here?" the boy dropped his head in a light tilt, still blinking curiously. a petite ravenette stood in front of him, standing on a ledge so they were close heights.

"i was just walking down the beach and saw you just now, so i decided to pop by." the girl hummed, her hair flying in the wind as she stepped down from the ledge.

taehyung's eyes followed the girl's form as she lightly seated herself onto the half of the bench that wasn't occupied by the bags. "why don't you sit? rest for a bit." joohyun smiled softly, slightly catching taehyung off guard. the boy stumbled a small 'sure' before sliding the food bags to the side of the bench and settling next to the girl.

"is that food for your gang?" joohyun's eyes flickered to the 3 bags that were starting to send out a savory aroma.

"yeah, we haven't had dinner yet." taehyung grabbed the back of his neck, slightly nervous at the soft yet piercing stare that the girl next to him had. she was one of the most beautiful girls on campus after all.

"oh, so i'll make this quick, " joohyun blinked rapidly before shuffling her body to be facing taehyung.

"taehyung, i have something to say." the girl softly spoke, her voice laced with a slight melody. taehyung stared at the girl, confused on what was happening in front of him.

"i've been admiring you from, afar you could say, but i never had the guts to come up to you and talk about it.." joohyun looked away, a flush starting to creep up her cheeks.

taehyung stared at her for a bit before opening his mouth to speak, yet he was cut off. "i didn't want to get stuck in regret, after all high schools done, and i wouldn't have lived if i didn't tell you about it. i won't need a response, i just wanted to tell you, i had to tell you."

and with that, joohyun stepped up and walked away from the bench, her heart thumping in her heart. taehyung was dumbstruck as he caught himself and brought himself back to reality, only to mentally freak out as the bae joohyun had confessed to him.


"what was the confession?" hoseok shrieked, his voice ringing through the wide space. "please don't tell me he cooked him something." the man groaned, rolling to his side on the couch.

yoongi lazily grinned, nodding after a minute of silence, causing a groan to erupt form hoseok. "that's so cheesy oh my god hyung." seokjin was on the armchair in front of the couch, his face slowly turning a shade of red.

"hey, it was sweet. i even made namjoon his favorite goods." the elder pouted, before glaring at yoongi. "and since when did this become the topic of our conversation?"

"the only favorite goods of namjoon's are seokjin hyun-" jeongguk was humming under his breath until hyosun muffled it a couch cushion, glaring at him while doing so. "jeon jeongguk, you will shut up right now" hyosun lightly hit his face one more time as he pouted at her.

"when is the food coming, my stomach is about to start eating itself," sulha groaned from the other side of the room, rubbing her torso. everyone reminded themselves on who was bringing the food and internally groaned. other than yoongi.

"the idiot is probably posing for street photographers at this point." the blond grumbled, stretching his arms up, preventing them from cramping up.

the rest were about to agree when the door swung open, revealing a dumbfounded taehyung, his eyes blank as he held 3 bags in his hands. everyone watched as he blankly set the food on the dining table before stepping slowly to his room. hyosun eyed his form warily, noticing the lack of taehyung-ness the boy had.

"tae? are you going to eat?" the girl called out cautiously, hoping that he would reply.

taehyung turned his head and smiled weakly, "later, leave me some food." and continued heading to his room. everyone exchanged awkward glances before shrugging and getting to their food. hyosun had suddenly lost her appetite and worry was flooding into her stomach.

"hyosun are you going to eat?" sulha pointed her out, her cheeks bulging a bit.

"yeah sure."


oof this is a filler its so bad sorry yall 

i updated two days in a row hOw is tHat pOssiBLe 

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