the moonlight had no difficulty reaching out to hyosun's legs from the widespread window that had no curtain to cover itself up with. the brunette was on her phone, tired from the day that had been filled with chlorine and saltwater. her hair was wrapped into a bun as it was still damp from the shower she had a while ago. she had just been mentally slapping herself for letting her mind drift off to the shirtless taehyung that she had seen today, when the door burst open, revealing a doe-eyed sulha, breathing heavily.
"where's the fight?" hyosun raised her eyebrow at sulha's usually dark complexion covered in a thin layer of sweat. she flinched a bit when her best friend's eyes glared into hers, silencing the room other than the heavy breaths she was taking.
"you better tell me," she took a deep breath and sighed,
"that the girl whos appa-" sulha's eyes widened as she coughed, as it took over her words.
"a girl? apparantly what?" hyosun stared at the half-dying girl who was leaning on a table, slightly annoyed at the slow regeneration of sulha's breath.
"that the girl who's apparantly asking taehyung out is you." sulha finished and plopped herself onto the bed, staring straight into hyosun's eyes.
the life drained from her face as hyosun's lips parted unconsciously, suddenly shocked at the rumor that she had just heard.
"so? is that girl you? are you finally finding the guts and confessing?" sulha's eyes were gleaming in expectation, her eyes boring holes into hyosun's.
"actually, no."
"no, i can't." taehyung solemnly stated, his eyes shifting, not knowing where to look.
seokjin stared at the boy with his mouth open, both from shock and disgust.
"how do you not know how to order online?" the elder practically gasped that in horror, his fingers trembling as he slid over the online order app, skeptically looking at taehyung, who was perched on the edge of the desk, looking down at his toes while feeling embarrassed.
"this is one of the most crucial needs in life- especially when i won't be here to cook for you boys!" seokjin continued on rambling about taehyung's lack of "skills" as he started walking around the living room, listing orders from every person.
"its not like you'll ever leave us seokjin," yoongi lowkey mumbled, his arms spread across the back of the couch.
jeongguk's eyes gleamed as he gleefully exclaimed, "yea, especially since namjoon hyung's here too!" seokjin choked while asking hoseok for his order, almost dropping his phone.
"j-jeongguk you shouldn't say those things." seokjin stuttered, his eyes darting around.
"what kookie says is true though," a husky voice rang through the living room, followed with a high pitched squeak from seokjin. namjoon had found himself behind seokjin, wrapping his arms around the broad man's petite waist
a smack
"and you too jeongguk!"
another smack.
"ow hyung~"
"ow my ears are still sore" jeongguk whined, rubbing the red parts of his ears. after the three's little fight fest; mostly seokjin scolding the two. the boys had ordered food a while ago and were waiting for the pick up text message. hyosun and sulha had joined the group after jeongguk had texted them while being smacked by seokjin. hyosun had crashed into the room, flinging her body between jeongguk and seokjin. she didn't help much because they were both hit a few times after.
"taehyung! go get the food, it's at the gate of the lodge." the elder's voice could be heard from the kitchen, a few clinks of plates heard after. taehyung got up from his position on the couch, leaving his third wheeling position from yoongi and sulha.
"hyosun why don't you go with tae?" sulha grinned, her eyes gleaming as she stared at the girl. hyosun was about to leave her spot, but was pulled back by jeongguk who pulled her down onto the cushions.
"no seokjin hyung, she's keeping my warmth." he whined, his eyes half closed. hyosun mentally glared at the younger before following taehyung with her eyes as he played with the keys between his fingers.
"maybe next time sunnie," taehyung softly smiled, winking before shutting the door. hyosun sighed internally before going back to holding onto jeongguk.
taehyung was walking back from the gate, grumbling as he held 3 bags of food with his straining arms. the walk was fairly long back to their dorm, and he started regretting not taking a car. he set down the food on an empty bench under a palm tree to rest his arms when he felt a small tap on his shoulders.
taehyung flinched before turning his body to face the person who was on the ledge behind the bench.
wOw sorry this is so short skjdfhs
but wHatS iRENE doing hERe???
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