The Cripled

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Joining the flock wasn't the happiest moment in Kitwana's life. If it could be considered 'joining' at all. There were no warm welcomes, but wary, distrustful looks. Mshale's mother had voiced her opposition rather loudly, but Bakshi's authority overruled her. Still, she made it clear that nobody was happy 

Kitwana felt even more out of place than he was with the crocodile float.

From the whispers behind his back he managed to hear, they were worried he might have taken in 'too many habits' from the crocodiles despite Bakshi's reassurance that he'd never repeat that behavior again.

But other than Bakshi and Dalilah, no other member of the flock wanted him around. Even the chicks had been told not to talk to him, which they obeyed despite not fully understanding why. It didn't help that Mshale loved rubbing salt into his wounds when not hiding under the 'traumatized' facade. 

Bakshi suggested that he watched everyone else's behavior and practice, but Kitwana refused to even look at them. Eventually, with nothing better to do, he decided he'd try it out. That's when the trouble began. 

He couldn't sleep on his feet and fell to the ground every time he started getting sleepy. He'd fall to the ground when he tried scratching his head with his talon. And when it came to... preening his feathers, he just... couldn't do it. The one time he tried, he ended up plucking one of his own feathers for the first time in his life. 

The one thing he could do 'the bird way' was fishing his own meals. It might be the only good thing Makuu taught him.

A few days later, Bakshi called all of the flock's fledglings—Kitwana included— to the first of some special lesson: flight lessons. Kitwana didn't want to go, but guessed he had no choice in the matter. Traditionally, were imparted underneath the old tree next to the watering hole, from which they would eventually jump off in the Dege Kwanza Ceremony, also known as the First Flight.

"I'm very nervous!" Dalila chirped happily as they made their way to the tree.

"I guess." Kitwana murmured.

"Don't worry, you'll do fine."

Bakshi and many other fledglings—Mshale included— were already there. Naturally, the others weren't happy to see Kitwana.

"Great, who invited him?"

"I thought this was supposed to be a flight lesson."

"Yeah, and as far as I know 'crocodiles' are flightless." Mshale joked, to which the others laughed.

"That's enough." Bakshi said sternly. "Kitwana is here to learn because he, too, is a bird. And given his... mother passed, he shall learn here." Once Kitwana and Dalilah had taken their places, Bakshi continued. "If all are present, then let us begin. First of all, what do you understand by 'flying'?"

Mshale scoffed. "Obviously flap your wings and move upwards."

"That's one way to look at it. Flying is a bird's main way of moving from one place to another; it's what distinguishes us from the rest of animals. As such, a bird who cannot fly is hardly a bird."

Kitwana winced when the other fledglings shot him mocking looks.

"So, when do we fly?" another female fledgling inquired.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy. First you shall learn how to properly flap your wings, then you'll have to hover, glide, and those who are deemed ready will participate in the Dege Kwanza Ceremony."

All the fledglings—except Kitwana—chattered excitedly amongst themselves.

"If we're clear, let us begin the first lesson: flapping your wings." Bakshi spread out her wings. "First, spread them out fully and flap like this." she demonstrated the movement. "This is only a warmup-exercise, but it should get you used to moving your wings."

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