The Ibis

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Before sunrise, the float departed from Lake Matope—or what little was left of it. The females were at the group's center, with the few hatchlings not eaten by the hyenas tucked into their throat pouches.  Any hyena who tried to stop them on Scar's orders was swiftly and mercilessly dealt with by Pua and the larger males.

Days after leaving the Pride Lands, the lack of water and harsh heat took a heavy toll on the crocodiles, and many of them ended their journey through the Circle of Life prematurely.

Makuu had always hoped that this wouldn't be the case with Mama, but today, she could not get on her feet. Her once lovely green scales now looked cracky and dry. Pua had led Ukuru and Ungwana away, telling Makuu that she wanted to speak with him privately. 

"What about mama? And Makuu?" his sister asked.

"They'll catch up..." Pua said, but something in his expression gave Makuu a bad feeling.

Once they were alone, Makuu nudged his mother's snout with his nose. "Mama, get up."

Mama tried to get up, but her legs trembled, and she collapsed. "I can't..."

The bad feeling intensified. Makuu had seen the other crocodiles like this—those who completed their Circle of Life. He knew what was happening, but a little part of him hoped Mama wouldn't have that fate. She's just tired, he told himself.

"You have to get up, Mama. The float is going to depart soon."

Despite her current state, Mama smiled at him. Despite her lamentable state, it was as loving and reassuring as the day he'd hatched and seen it for the first time.

"My sweet little Makuu... I need you to promise me something..."

"W-What do you mean...?"

"Promise me you will look after your siblings...".

"But why...? You'll be there with us."

"I wish I could, my son... but I'm afraid my journey through the Circle of Life is ending."

Whatever little hope he had shattered. "N-No, it isn't! You just need some water, t-that's all...!"

"I don't have much time left, sweetie... Please, promise me that no matter what... You'll always look after your siblings... They will need you now more than ever. You are the eldest and they'll look up to you..."

By then, the tears were gathering in his eyes. "I-I promise, Mama..."

Mama's eyes began shuttering close. "My son... Know that I will always love you... Always..."

With that, her eyes closed for the last time.

"Mama...? M-Mama...?!"



Makuu awoke with a start, panting heavily. 

Where was he? Oh, right. He's still trapped in the two legs' den alongside all the other animals, including... 

Turning around, he noticed Kiburi was glaring at him with a tired, irritated frown.

"Aren't you a little old to call for mommy?"

Makuu blinked. "Excuse me?"

"Did you know you talk very loudly in your sleep? I have to wonder how Akina can sleep with your whining ass beside her."

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