Chapter 3

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Laurentia felt someone was running behind her and not much later she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around quickly and smiled at Lily's sight.

"Can you help me with my homework? I have to write an essay for Potions and I don't understand any of it," Lily asked.

"Of course. Just being curious, why didn't you ask anyone of your siblings or cousins?" Laurentia already started to walk towards to library, keeping her eyes on Lily's mouth.

"I would have asked Rose, but she's 'busy'."

Laurentia laughed. "I get it. I have two older brothers, they're busy all the time now. With Fabian working at the Ministry and Lazarus being the Seeker of the Montrose Magpies and all."

"I suppose they're really overprotective, right?" Lily said with a little laugh.

"They absolutely are! Fabian yelled at a teacher once because he said I 'wasn't listening' and Lazarus beat up some kid for laughing at me," Laurentia told. Lily started to give a reply when she felt someone following her. She swiftly took out her wand, Laurentia followed her movement and got her wand out too.

Then someone send a spell towards Lily and she fell to a ground with a scream, she was already unconscious before she hit the ground. Laurentia sent a spell in the direction of the spell that hit Lily, but she was too late and fell to the ground next to Lily. The weight of darkness got over her before she could feel the pain the ground would have given her.

~ * ~

It was dark, completely dark. Not like night dark with the illumination of street lamps or the moon. Not even like a room with closed curtains during the night. No, like so dark it seemed like the sun had disappeared. No sun, no stars, no fire, no electricity for lamps, not anything.

"Ouch," a voice in the dark said.

"Who's there?" another, shocked, voice said it was Albus's.

"Relax, it's just me," the first voice replied.

"Who is 'me'?" the second voice demanded, he learned to never trust anyone in this kind of situation. Not that he had been in this kind of situation before, tied up in some unknown place.

"James Sirius Potter, you stupid retard!" the first voice, James, replied angrily. Albus felt stupid for not trusting the similar sound of his voice, but from there on he tried to make out who was who.

"James! Don't call your brother a retard!" a strict woman's voice said.

"Well, hello there Lucy. How are you?" James said.

"James, stop messing around. This isn't funny," Alice's irritated voice said. Definitely Alice, only she could snap at James like that.

"You bet this isn't funny," Roxanne said. Her voice had always been a little different, so Albus could make it out easily.

"Ted?" a high female voice said in panic. Now, who would that be? Albus thought sarcastically. "Teddy? Are you there?"

"Yes, Victoire, I'm right here, don't panic," Teddy replied.

"Where's Gondoline?" Scorpius said.

"Scorp?" Rose said. She was the only one who'd give Scorpius a nickname.

"Yes, where is ―" he began.

"I'm right next to Rose, don't worry. Oh, and I was right," Gondoline said and Albus imagined her having an unseen smirk.

"I never doubted you," Scorpius replied.

"Oh my god, Laurentia was with me when those guys came," Lily said. "She must be freaking out right now."

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