Chapter 5

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"So you can see the future, huh?" Lysander said. Gondoline nodded. She and the twins were sitting on the roots of the big tree in the middle of the cabins' area.

"That's pretty cool," Lorcan said. Gondoline easily knew which one was which, their eyes twinkled a little different. Lorcan's with intelligence and Lysander's with pride.

"You really think that?" Gondoline asked from behind her curtain of hair.

"Of course!" the twins said in unison. It made Gondoline giggle shyly. How long had it been since she had giggled? Had she ever giggled before in her life? Then she looked at the woods. Lysander was about to ask what she kind of visions had seen when three people came walking from under the trees' shadows.

"That's not going to go well," Gondoline said quietly as Scorpius, Rose and Bastien made their way to the Main Cabin. Scorpius gave Gondoline a look that said he would come to find her after they had handled things with Bastien.

"There's going to be a lot of yelling, isn't there?" Lorcan asked, frowning.

"You don't have to see the future to know that," Lysander said with a bit of a sad look. The twins didn't really like all the fighting, especially because they thought everyone should work together if they ever wanted to come home.

"Fighting sometimes brings people closer together, but this isn't that kind of fighting," Gondoline said with grief clearly audible in her voice. "All those secrets. They're better kept secret, but everyone breaks eventually."

~ * ~

It had taken a while to get everyone together, and still not everyone was there. Teddy was there, who was considered the most important since he was the oldest. Victoire ― clamping onto her boyfriend's arm ― and Dominic were there, but Louis was still out, having some strategies in his mind. Molly was together with Louis. James and Alice were there, giving each other dirty looks and making Hugo, sitting in between them, uncomfortable. The twins and Gondoline were sitting outside and Lily and Frank had gone to the beach, examining it for any dangers. Fred and Lucy were sitting together, but Roxanne was nowhere to be seen. Albus and Laurentia were by the fireplace, since the crowd was standing and sitting at the other side of the cabin, they could pretty much overlook everything. Albus was telling Laurentia about what all the people were saying.

It made Rose think about not having talked to Laurentia for a while, even though they were sharing cabins. Right away, she promised herself she would talk to Laurentia more.

Rose, Scorpius and Bastien were standing at the head of the long table, trying to get everyone's attention. Eventually, Rose became impatient and hopped onto the table and put her fingers to her mouth. When they had been really young, they had learned each other to whistle, that way they could always find each other even if they hadn't been able to use magic yet. Who knew Teddy's kid game would be so useful, even now? Rose's whistle was loud and clear, and everyone was quiet, right away.

"Thanks for listening everybody," Rose said irritated. "Can we now get to the point?"

"What is your point exactly?" Hugo asked, looking scared that Alice's and James's glares might actually start a fire with Hugo in between.

"There are several matters to discuss. First of all, Bastien and Laurentia can make dinner for now, but I think we should at least help them so they don't have to do all the work," Rose said. The quiet only lasted for a little while, everyone was already arguing again.

"If you think I'm going to help Riddle, you're crazy," James began, but of course he wasn't done with insulting yet. "And the deaf girl wouldn't even want me to; she's a loner. LO-NE-RRR." He moved his mouth very slowly, so Laurentia could read it without any doubt.

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