Chapter 1

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Year 2022.

It was just before 11.00, the train to Hogwarts was about to leave. The parents were saying their goodbyes to their children. James Sirius Potter and Alice Longbottom were about to start their last year at Hogwarts, preparing for the N.E.W.T.s at the end of the year. Albus Severus Potter, Rose Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy were going to start their sixth year, having great expectations. Lily Luna Potter and Frank Longbottom were leaving for their fourth year, thinking about each other. Hugo Weasley was starting his fifth year, not yet thinking about the O.W.L.s. And Lorcan and Lysander Scamander, the twins, were going for their second year.

None of them could predict what would happen that year, but they would find out soon enough and they're not going to be that happy about certain events.

~ * ~

"Dad, please, I'm not dating Scorpius," Rose said. Couldn't her father ever stop worrying about her and Scorpius? Apparently not. Maybe he was a little bit right she liked the boy ― liked him as in being so over the top, utterly in love with him ― but that didn't mean he'd like her back that way. Better friends than enemies, right? Not really...

"Yet," said James, finishing her finished sentence. He'd been bugging her about Scorpius for aeons! Couldn't he just get his mouth shut for once? Rose could already see her father's head turn red.

"Shut up," she hissed at her cousin. Then she turned back to her father, who was about to give a long speech about how bad an influence Draco Malfoy's son was ... again.

"Rose Weasley, I am very serious when I say I don't want you to do anything with the Malfoy child," Ron said, clearly not finished in the slightest.

"Ron, don't raise your voice. It's nothing to fuss about," Hermione told him before the actual speech could even start. He sighed and gave Rose a hug.

"Still beating him in every test?" he whispered in her hair.

"Of course," Rose answered with a smile after her father released her from the hug. She might've been in love with Scorpius, but she still kicked his butt in class.

She let her father go and went into the train, giving her parents a last glance.

"James!" Harry said, just before Lily's brother stepped into the train. "Good luck with those N.E.W.T.s this year."

"Thanks, dad," James replied, then he followed Rose. Lily could see James sigh dramatically and she held back a giggle.

"Take care of yourself, Lily," Ginny said while hugging Lily. She had never really minded her parents being a bit protective, at least they weren't as bad as Uncle Ron.

"Mom, it's my fourth year, I'll manage," Lily replied before looking for Hugo. He was with his mother, who was checking if he had everything. Hugo had been her best friend since they were both kicked out of the rooms of their older siblings.

"I'm coming, Lily," Hugo said, brushing off his mother. He ran up to Lily and they disappeared into the train just before the whistle blew. They were already searching for an empty compartment, but since their parents never let them go on time, their odds were against them.

"Guys," Albus began, standing at the door of James's compartment. "Do you want to take a family compartment? All the others are already taken." Of course, not all of them were family. But since they had been together every Christmas, they had never thought of each other than family ― but James was very glad he wasn't really family with the Longbottoms.

James sighed. He was sitting apposite of Alice, having some ideas in his mind. "Okay, Al, but I don't want anyone snogging each other." Too bad that was exactly what James himself had been planning on doing.

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