Chapter 7

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It was sunny and even though the reason they had to walk through the forest wasn't positive, Gondoline couldn't help but like the little hike. It took her mind off the visions that bothered her now and then.

When she was younger she hadn't known what to make of her gift and had tried to push it away, which only made it worse. Then she had learned to live with it and only some years ago she had learned to use and appreciate it. Though the ones that came at night, when she was vulnerable, were still terrible sometimes but even those she was starting to control, even if it was only slightly.

Now all that had changed. Gondoline had never before been in such a dangerous situation. Some of her visions were vague and some unimportant. Yet there were still some visions that were absolutely terrifying. None of her visions were very clear but those ones ― if not clear in meaning ― brought a certain feeling of dread and fear, even of pain and death. That was the thing she was most afraid of, predicting someone's death and knowing you couldn't do anything about it.

"Gondoline?" Scorpius said with a questioning tone. She wanted to ask him if something was wrong but didn't get the chance to. Her body started to shake all over and the look on her face became full of fear and helplessness. Gondoline knew this one was bad and she knew there was no stopping it.

There is light but everything feels dark. The sight is vague, only the silhouettes of the cabins are visible. Then the view moves, it goes through the woods and shows things that no one should know about.

There are traps everywhere. Some do little damage but others would be able to kill a hundred men in just seconds. There are ones that are hidden in plain sight and some aren't hidden at all.

The colour of the sky slowly changes while the view still moves, which is not a person's because they would've triggered the traps.

It reaches an open field. It seems quiet but then little dots start to glow from the bushes and the vague silhouettes of terrible beasts become clearer. Before they are clear enough to identify what the creature are, everything changes again.

While passing dozens and dozens of more creative traps than the ones before, the lake comes into sight. It's glistering in the moon's light and the surface is as flat as ice. Suddenly the view goes underwater and breaks the perfectly unmoved water.

It's even darker and there is nothing to see at first. Then as if on cue things start to move around. Most of it is still too dark to closely see but there's an atmosphere around it all that makes it terribly terrifying.

There's a coral that gives off light where the view seems attracted to but then it pulls away and goes out the water.

The view runs around and around the woods, showing all the traps and things meant for torturing anyone who comes across them. There's only one place it doesn't visit, it's the area around Bastien's cabin.

It also seems like it doesn't want to go into the caves at first but then it does and when only a little of it is revealed something walks up behind it. The view turns around to see what it is. Before it can get a clear look the things jumps at it and rips it open.

Then the view shifts one last time and it shows the former point of view, which was a human being after all. On the ground, lifelessly lying in her own blood her eyes rolled back into her head, is Gondoline.

She screamed. Not the kind of scream when you were just scared or something startled you. It was the kind of scream you screamed when you felt like you were being ripped apart.

"Gondoline? I'm here, it's okay," Scorpius said. She could hear him pleading but for a moment it didn't calm her down and she kept on screaming. Then, somehow, Gondoline mentally accepted she was not ripped apart in tiny pieces, yet. She closed her mouth and everything was quiet. Then she opened her eyes and saw Scorpius standing over her, concern obvious in his eyes.

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