Chapter 11

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Once again me and Kody were in a fight, but this time there's no one to stop us. I was sure that Lumine has already left.

Before he could say anything, I punched him in the stomach and then used my knee to hit him repeatedly in the same place. He started to cough up blood, but I didn't stop.

"Elijah, you have to-" Kody tried to tell me, but I obviously didn't listen.

"You can heal yourself, can't you?" I told him in between hits.

"No I can't! That's not how-"

"If you love him so much, then why don't you stick up for yourself?" I interrupted him once again. He didn't say a word as he fell down, holding his arms around his stomach.

"Speak." I looked down at him with a death stare, he didn't move. I tried to motivate him by kneeling down and grabbing his neck.

"Speak!" I yelled in an angry tone, adding a hand to his throat and put more pressure.

"I-I..Can't.." Kody managed to say. I just laughed in response.

"Then I might as well continue until you can't even say that."

(Lumines POV)

I went home right away after that disaster of a day. I just couldn't believe that he would seriously play me like that, I should have known.

Gosh, I am such an idiot!

"Do you know where Kody is?" Aiden pop upped in the doorway.

"Are you okay? Your eyes look really puffy." He continued after he noticed that I wasn't answering his previous question.

"I'm fine, and no. I don't know where Kody is currently, and to be honest I don't want to know. Probably doing  heterosexual things with his girlfriend."  I whispered the last sentence.

"Oh. Uhm. I can tell your very mad at him, but just know that my son cares about you a lot. I'm gonna call the school."

I mean, taking his words into account I should probably ask him about it and see his explanation. I did just assume, but how can I not? I just I have to find him first.

I left my room and questioned Aiden about new updates on Kody's wearabouts.

"The principal said he already left." Aiden explained.

"We should go there and look for him ourselves." I suggested, and he looked at me with a confused expression.

"I thought you were mad at him?"

"I am but- Anyways we should just go find him." I blushed in embarrassment and in my tsundere tendencies.

Aiden used 'Find my IPhone' to get Kody's location. For some odd reason, Kody was still near school grounds unlike what the principal said.

When we arrived to the school, there was no particular mark to pinpoint exactly where he was so we split up and searched.

I walked around for a few minutes in the opposite direction of Aiden to cover more ground. Darnit, the school is so big.

I started to hear some shouting so I went in that direction, but concealed my self to avoid any confrontation just yet. Once I got closer the words became more distinct and clear.

"Why so mad? It was inevitable, you guys would have never worked out. I just sped the process up by using Brittany!" That sounds like Elijah..

I started to hear muttered responses to the other person. They were only faint whispers, so basically inaudible.

I might have been really mad at him, but no matter how hard I could try I would never hate him enough to wish harm on him.

I turned one corner to see a horrific sight before me. Kody was all bloodied up and Elijah was obviously the cause from him repeatedly punching him.

"Elijah! WHAT THE {insert curse word}" I screamed so loudly I wouldn't be suprised if Aiden heard me.

"Wait Lumine, I can explain." He tried to tell me, but I wasn't having it.

I quickly grabbed a random stick casually while he was trying to explain himself.

"Lumine, He wronged you! I was just-"

"Shut up. I heard everything." In the process of saying this and with all the strength in my body, I smacked him in the head and knocked him out.

"Oh my gosh, Kody." I finally paid attention to Kody, who seemed partly conscious.

"H-h-" Kody tried to formally greet me, but I stopped him.

"Shh. We need to get you to the hospital now. Oh god, you didn't deserve this..." I felt tears stream down my face as I heard the faint yelling of Aiden. I knew he heard my yelling, so I just got his attention again.

"Aiden, over here!" I yelled once again, and then gripped onto Kody. I can't believe that Elijah would do this! It doesn't matter now, he's gonna be arrested for sure. I called 911 before Aiden came, and the police quickly got Elijah, who also needed medical treatment. Oh well, I guess I hit him pretty hard.

It has been an hour since I found him and no status on Kody. I couldn't keep waiting like this, so I attempted to enter his room.

"Sorry Ma'am, But I can't allow you inside." A young male doctor told me.

"Do I look like a ma'am to you?!" I told him angrily.

"Lumine, calm down. Let's just go inside. Sir, I am Kody's father. Let me through." Aiden intimidatingly looked at the doctor sternly. Honestly, I've never seen Aiden so serious in the entirety of my existence.

When we got in there was a plain old hospital room, probably the best that money can buy at least. Aiden is kinda on the wealthier side after all.

"Please don't tell me there's a chance he could-"

"No, of course not. Geese I don't even want to think about that." Aiden said, as I looked at the obvious bags under his eyes. He looks like his age right now, which is like 40 or whatever.

(*gasp* but Aiden usually looks fineeeeeeeeeeee ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"I'm really sorry, this is all my fault." I admitted, knowing that it was all my fault for not believing Kody in the first place. I should have been more trusting.

I really am a bad boyfriend.

"Lumine, don't blame this on yourself. Kody surely wouldn't want that, and there's only one person I would blame and that person is in jail, juvy , holding? Honestly I don't know." Aiden finally managed to have his sense of humor back.

I guess he's right, but he obviously doesn't know the whole story.

I hope Kody is gonna be okay.


¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

Oops sorry for not updating.
I have had a lot of projects and I am really sorry.

I just had this chapter done for like weeks just lying here. Again, sorry and I love you all!

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