Chapter 16: Chasing waves

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I ran behind her, but as soon as I'd gotten out of the room the Police had tackled me. I tried to push through but I was injured and outnumbered.

My eyes remained on Kea as she got on the lift and turned around while the doors shut.
She watched me struggle and it was like we were back to square one. The lift between us; a reality for the wall that I saw was back up with reenforcement. 

Only this time it was like we had broken our square one, beyond repair.

Like I'd already lost her.

But my body didn't get it, so I kept pushing and fighting. The tears finally fell, like rain.
Just like rain.

They didn't understand.

None of them did.

I needed to get to her, I needed to explain what I couldn't that day. 

What I had been carrying around with me for so damn long.

I wanted to scream, I wanted to tell her, 'I didn't leave you that day..... it meant as much to me as it did to you. I love you dammit, just come back.' but no words came out- my throat closed up. 

I kept swallowing the same lump in my throat over and over again. I wanted to yell, cry, beg anything- everything but the police pushed me to the wall.

Colin tried to talk to me, he tried to get me to stop scuffling but I couldn't, I had to get to her before it was too late, if it wasn't already.

I felt the metal, cuff my less bandaged hand and I knew I was done for. Too bad my other hand was plastered.

They took me back to the room and held me there for questioning.

My own personal interrogation room, Colin bargained with the officers to un cuff me and it seemed to work cause they removed it. 

My hand was bleeding, the gauze had red blots and immediately I closed my eyes.
Fainting wasn't an option, I couldn't afford to lose any more time.
Colin knew about my problem, he would get it and I was right.

"He has a bit of an issue... looking at his own..blo... oozing.. out of his body.... makes him dizzy." Colin explained to the Officers, then called a nurse to wrap me up again.

The nurse walked in and unwrapped my hand, I had opened up all tape stitches and she scolded me. Once she was done and I couldn't see the red anymore, she asked me if I needed any pain killers. I told her I was fine, the pain I could always deal with.

The officers stood in front of me expectantly, "Now that you're all worn out, are you ready to talk?" The one standing on the right spoke.

I wasn't paying attention to them so nothing registered but I nodded and he went on.

"Since you were involved in the incident that took place at the Faye residence we'd like to take a statement."

"I have nothing different to say from what Kea Faye must have already told you earlier." I was in a rush.

"Listen, kid, the bastard may have deserved it but his nose is broken, along with his teeth, six ribs along with collar bone shattered. He's lying in the ICU and you put him there. You gotta give me something to work with here." The officer exclaimed.

"I'm glad?" I lifted my shoulders, I wanted to kill the guy but the ICU was a pretty decent alternative.

The officer shook his head hopelessly and looked at Colin, who then walked to me and whispered, "René I don't know what the fuck is going on but we need them on our side if you ever want to get out of here and chase after Kea."

I nodded silently, there was another reason I was avoiding the whole topic of what had happened. 

I didn't want to relive it.

It would destroy me.

But if talking would get me out of here faster, I was willing to try.

 I closed my eyes in an attempt to calm myself, I cleared my throat and started out cautiously "What do you want me to say? I can't lie, I would do the exact same thing, if not more. I found him on top of... You can't possibly expect me to describe it to you because I can't. I wish no one has to ever find anyone they love, how I found her." I would have clenched my fists if I were able. 

The officer nodded.

"Okay, how about we ask you a couple of questions?" The officer who was taking notes on the left asked, "how did you get inside the house?"

"The main gate was locked so I jumped into the backyard and broke the kitchen window."

"And why were you in such a hurry?" The cop on the left spoke again, not looking up just writing.

Does telepathy count? "I had gotten two texts from Kea while I was on my way to school, they were mere minutes apart but spoke volumes in terms of; emotional switch. The first one was desperate and the second calm- indifferent. Kea isn't the sort of person to transition so quickly. Something about it didn't settle well with me so I went over to her house."

"Can we see the texts?" The first officer asked.

I opened the message and gave it to him. They looked at it satisfied with the interrogation.

"One last thing, why or how do you think Lucas ended up being there?"

That I didn't know myself.

But I did have a clue. "When I had seen the texts and was leaving for Kea's house I had bumped into Lucas, I had just taken Kea's name and left in a hurry but I didn't think he would catch onto it so quick to actually get there in time."

"Thank you for cooperating with us Reyes, take care of yourself." They got up, called Colin in the corner. They looked over at me, gave me a curt nod and left.





REYES- Yes, enjoy watching me squirm all over the floor, do you want some popcorn with that?

AUTHOR- there there, *pats Reyes's back* it gets better, well worse for you but better for everybody.

REYES- You can't be serious right now.

AUTHOR- Haha fine don't worry its all gonna be okay.

REYES- Don't forget to vote, comment, follow and share how much you like me fighting and crying on the ground. Thank you.

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