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Once upon a time in the kingdom of Dryadalis, there lived 7 dragon races, each protecting their own source of power, an element. There was fire, earth, water, air, magic, darkness and light. The 7 elements where used to spread harmony throughout the land. But in this kingdom, there ruled an evil king named Zyron who wanted the dragon powers for his own benefit. To do this, he sent out soldiers to find the guardian dragons of the elements and take their powers. One by one, he defeated them all until there was only two guardians left in the world. The guardian of earth and the guardian of water. The two ancient dragons could sense that Zyron's men were coming for them, just like they had come for their friends, and so they did the only thing they could do. The two decided to gather together and perform a ritual. The ritual.

One starry night, when the sky was clear of any clouds, they met in the deepest part of the mystical forest far away from any prying eyes. They chanted for hours upon hours, using words long since forgotten by the rest of the world until finally, they lowered their heads and poured all of their essence into two stones, laying on the ground. The two stones started glowing. At first, the light was very damp but it rapidly grew into something much more intense. The light was finally so bright that it lit up the whole forest and you could no longer tell that it was night. After a few minutes of non-stop glowing, the light finally died out and it was night again. The ancient guardians where no more and a new cycle had began. It was time for the new guardians to take hold of their powers and protect the kingdom of Dryadalis from the hands of evil. But the new dragons would have to wait several years until the time for their awakening would come.


One day a young elven boy, named Almar, were hunting in the mystical woods. As he was running through the narrow forest terrain, he accidentally stumbled upon one of the many roots sticking up from the ground. He tumbled all the way down a steep hill until he hit his head on a big rock and lost consciousness. When the boy opened his eyes again, he found himself laying on top of a pair of unusually smooth rocks. When he looked down to see what it was, he noticed that it was not two rocks but two huge eggs. Almar knew that no animal in this world could lay an egg of this size except one, the dragon. But that didn't make much sense, since king Zyron had hunted them all down. So what was a pair of dragons eggs doing just laying around in the forest?

Almar understood almost immediately that he must have found the last ones in the world. And so, he did the only thing he could think of. He carried the two dragon eggs high up in the mountains, away from the king's soldiers, and hid them in a cave where one day they hatched. The dragons were small for being what they were, almost like two medium-sized dogs. 

One of the dragons had hard, icy blue scales running along her body and two tiny wings sticking out from her back. She had icicle-like horns and piercing blue eyes. He also found that she was rather cold to the touch at first but that she became warmer as she got to know him. Almar named the baby dragon Eira after the goddess of snow. The other dragon was almost completely different. She had green scales, that looked almost like tiny leaves, and tiny branches growing on top of her head. Of course, she also had two tiny wings that looked like two big leaves. Her eyes where big and kind, green like the trees in the forest. Almar named her Sylvina after the goddess of the forest...

Years passed since then and Almar has grown from a young boy to a young man. Now, he and his two little friends live together in secret, hidden from the elf king. This is how their story began. 


Hello! ~ 

This has been our first ever story that we've written together on wattpad. We really hoped you liked the prologue and we would love it if you commented your thoughts down in the comments. We plan on posting a new chapter every week so stick around if you got hooked. 

See you next week! ~ 

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