Chapter 3 - Fish poisoning and heroic acts

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  "Human, pet me!" Eira yelled angrily. 

  "Not now Eira," Almar said, brushing her off. He then looked up at Eir and stared her right in the eyes with a serious expression. "How come you know about all of this?" he asked her with a curious voice. 

  "Like I said earlier, my grandma told me," Eir responded. 

  "Then how come your grandma knows so much about dragons, are you sure it's not just some made-up stories of an old lady?" Almar asked with doubt in his voice, not quite sure if what Eir claimed to be the truth really was the truth. 

  "It's not! It is true. She used to have all these dusty old books in strange languages and all different kinds of tools laying around in her room," Eir said defending her grandmas stories, looking rather hurt for not being trusted. 

Eira jumped up and down with anger until she finally got worn out and laid down on the ground like a tired dog. "Pet me, human!" she yelled in a demanding voice. 

  "Not now, I have to take care of Sylvina," Almar sighed with slight annoyance in his voice and pet Sylvina with a gentle hand.

Almar pushed aside a rather heavy-looking rock, revealing a big hole in the ground filled with ice. It was just like a little fridge. Almar then reached down and took up a glass bottle with a dark thick liquid inside. 

  "What is that?" Sylvina asked scared with a trembling voice. 

  "Just medicine, it's nothing dangerous," Almar reassured her and ran a hand down her scaly nose. 

  "No!" Eir suddenly yelled. 

  "What?" Almar exclaimed with a surprised expression. 

  "Don't give her that stuff! That's for headaches!" she said. 

  "Yeah, that's what it is," Almar said confused. 

  "No, this is different. Sylvina's headaches are caused from her powers growing and her body can't handle it," Eir explained. 

  "I know, it wasn't for her," Almar paused, "it was for me," he sighed and opened the bottle. 

  "Do you feel sick?" Eir asked with a concerned voice.  

  "Not really, I think some fish got in my bread, that's all," Almar responded. 

  "Why did you have fish?" Eir asked, horrified at the thought. 

  "I had two meals prepared. I guess I accidentelly took the one for Eira and Sylvina," Almar explained, sounding dizzy. He started wobbling and all of a sudden he just fell to the ground with a thump. 

  "Almar! Are you okay?" Eir asked while rushing over to his side, putting a hand on his shoulder, showing a worried expression on her face. 

  "I'm fine," Almar assured her, but she was not convinced. 

  "If you really have eaten fish, it could be dangerous, especially for us elves," she said. 

  "No, but," Almar tried to say something but was interrupted. 

  "No buts! You need to lay down and get some rest," she said with a firm voice. 

  "O-okay..." Almar sighed with defeat and layed down on the ground.

  "What are you doing?" Eira asked and tilted her head. 

  "We need to unbutton your shirt, you're sweating quite a lot," Eir said with a red face while slowly unbuttoning Almars shirt. 

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