Chapter 2 - She-elfs, headaches and sudden realisations

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The warm, golden light of the sun shone through the curtains and outside, you could hear the sound of the day starting. Elf's walking passed the street, going about their day. The soldiers, as they marched with their heavy boots, making sure that that was what the elf's were doing and nothing more. Almar woke up by feeling something sharp putting pressure on his nose, almost piercing it. He opened his eyes and were instantly faced with two icy blue, reptilian eyes. 

  "Human! Wake up! Eira's hungry!" Eira screamed into his face. 

  "Mmm, let me sleep a little more," Almar mumbled as he turned away from the loud sound, making himself into a giant taco with the blanket. 

  "Wake. Up!" Eira yelled stubbornly, determined to get her food. 

The little dragon took a stance. Like a cat aiming for it's prey, she waved her blue scaly, little butt in the air and then, leaped! landing on his stomach. All the air immediately left Almar's lungs and he shot up in his bed, gasping for air. 

  "Yay! Human is awake now!" Eira shouted happily. 

  "C-could you give us food now?" Sylvina asked, finally peeking out from her hiding place under the blanket. 

  "Alright, alright. Just, don't ever do that again," Almar replied and stood up, rubbing his sore stomache. 

When he had gotten dressed, Almar immediately headed for the kitchen to look for some food. Still in his bed, their heads instantly rose up when they heard the sounds of the knife going chop chop chop. It came from Almar, preparing their food in the other room. He was slicing bread for himself and the little dragons. Slowly walking up to him, they sat down like two little dogs by his feet, wagging their tails back and forth. They let out tiny sqeals when Almar finally put down two bowls in front of them. It was freshly baked bread with slices of raw fish on top. The two didn't care much for the bread but instead, brought all their attention towards the fish. 

When Eira and Sylvina had finished their meal, Almar let out a sigh and said, "okay girls, I have to take you back to the cave now." 

  "Noo! Why human?" They both complained, sounding very disappointed.

  "It's dangerous, if any of Zyron's soldiers finds you, he will take your powers just like he did with the others," Almar explained, looking at them with a concerned face. 

  "No, that won't ever happen! We're too strong for that Zyron-guy!" Eira said with a confident grin and Sylvina nodded, agreeing with her. 

  "You two are very brave," Almar said with a gentle smile, "but it's still too risky for you to be here," he continued, voice a little firmer than before.

Suddenly they heard a knock on the door. Almar told the dragons to quickly hide and be quiet. Sylvina and Eira began looking for a hiding place. When they finally did, inside of Almars closet, they quickly went inside. Almar carefully opened the door. In front of him stood a soldier in a dark blue uniform. Seeing it, Almar quickly understood that it was one of Zyron's soldiers and he tensed up. 

  "Can I help you sir?" he asked, trying to sound as normal and calm as possible just so the soldier wouldn't be suspicious. 

  "Yes. Have you perhaps seen or heard of anything suspicious around here lately, seen any... dragons nearby?" the soldier asked him with a grim face, looking very strict which made Almar slightly nervous. 

  "No sir, I'm afraid I haven't seen or heard anything of the sort. After all, haven't all of them been taken by our king Zyron," Almar responded with a calm voice, which he was pleasantly surprised by since he was feeling the very opposite of calm, in fact, he was freaking out on the inside. 

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