Chapter 22 - To Plan a Revolution

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All tables had been cleared from the dining area. Now, there was a giant open space were hundreds of elves were standing. In the middle of the huge mass stood Almar and his friends. 

  "I know most of you are probably confused as to why we have all gathered you here. The reason is simple. Revolution," Almar spoke loudly so that everyone in the hall could here. 

At that, elves all around started mumbling. 

  "Where's Commander Varick!?" one of them called out. It was a young male with short brown hair. 

Lusha turned towards him and looked at him with a sad expression. 

  "The Commander's been... he's been kidnapped by the enemy..." she answered the man's question. 

A gasp. Even more mumbling went around the room. The people were unsure, Almar could here in their voices. Then, he took out a chair and stepped up so that everyone got a good view.

  "Listen, everyone! I know that you're all probably scared and confused right now but, I think that's what bravery is all about. It's about knowing, being scared and feeling like this but still deciding to stand up and fight despite it. What is the reason you all joined the rebellion. Was it to hide like cowards when faced with opposition or was it to protect what is precious to you, the things and people you hold dear? Sasha is one of those people to me. Therefore, I am going to rescue him no matter what but... I can't do it alone. I know the Commander is a precious friend to all of you as well. Isn't he worth rescuing? Isn't it time we all finally take a stand, together?!" Almar shouted, clear so much that it echoed in the walls of the great dining area.

The brown-haired elf from earlier spoke. "Sasha's the type of leader that would even care when someone like me gets wounded in battle. I remember how he carried me on his back all the way to the healer. Someone like that, I am prepared to fight for!" All around people shouted in agreement. 

  "Varrick always smiled for everyone despite how many burdens he must carry!" someone else called out. 

  "He also cared for me when I was dying from a stabbing!" another one shouted. People where getting riled up, speaking of all the times their Commander had done a good deed for them. 

  "Well then, what do you say? Are you with me?!" Almar yelled louder now, his voice reverberating throughout. 

He was met with a wave of cheers from soldiers with a newfound fighting spirit. Lusha and Eir stood behind him with big smiles on their faces.


The group had now gathered in the Elder's house to create a plan for the attack. They sat in a different room this time. It was a bit smaller and more private, with shelves of books and maps all around. Almar, Lusha and Eir all sat around onne round table. A giant map had been rolled out so everyone could see. 

  "So, now that we've got the numbers, how will we use them?" Lusha asked no one in particular. 

  "We'll travel by horse, through the forest. That way, they won't spot us until we are at the castle," Almar replied, tracing the pathway on the map with his finger. 

  "There is one problem though. The castle itself is not covered by forest. There is a huge empty field in between," Eir said as she pointed at the bald spot on the map. 

  "That's why we need the numbers. In order to get inside, we need to have all the guards distracted so that a smaller group of elves, we, can sneak past them," Almar explained. 

  "So we'll create a bigger fight on the outside while we sneak inside to get Sasha and the King?" Eir asked, seeing if she had understood correctly. 

  "Yes, that's exactly what we'll do," Almar replied with a smile. 

  "But how will we escape if we somehow fail to do this? Not everything can be planned out perfectly," Lusha wondered, with a thoughtful face. 

  "I was thinking, maybe we should bring the dragons," Almar replied and then paused to wait for their response. 

  "What? Are you crazy? We would be bringing the one thing Zyron wants directly to him!" Lusha shouted, more surprised than angry at the suggestion. 

  "I know but, think about it. If anything goes wrong, Sylvina can just transform into her ultimate form, beat the guards and fly us out of there," Almar explained, carefully choosing his words so he wouldn't upset Lusha any further.

  "Sounds like a plan," Lusha smiled. 

  "A dangerous one but still, a plan," Eir replied with a slightly worried expression, thinking of Sylvina. 

  "We'll need to act fast so once we get inside, we should split up. Eir, you should search for Sasha and get him the healing he needs then while Lusha and I go find the King, my uncle," Almar suggested. 

  "Okay, that's what we'll do," Lusha said while Eir nodded in agreement. 

Now that they had their plan, all that was left was to execute it. 


Ooohhh! Shit's about to go down!


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