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The wind was blowing, blowing through her blonde hair as Eir breathed in the fresh air. The water falling down on the big green leaves of the plant, trickling down into the earth was cold compared to the warm summer. Eir put down the bottle of water next to her. Smiling, she parted the plants, revealing a sleeping little green dragon inside the bushes. 

  "Sleeping already?" Eir spoke with a gentle hushed voice, trying not to disturb Sylvina too much. 

  "Mmmm," the little dragon groaned, then she opened her big green eyes, looking up at Eir from her spot in the cool shadows, "yes, Eir, I am sleepy. We've been working in the garden non-stop lately. Are you trying to find a cure to every disease in the world or something?" she replied. 

  "Haha, almost. I just want to make sure I'm doing my duty as the new Royal Healer," Eir responded with a proud smile. 

  "You're already doing more than enough. Almar picked you for a reason, you know," Sylvina said with a half annoyed look at her friend. 

  "I know..." Eir turned a bit silent, looking down. 

  "What?" Sylvina asked, looking at her with curious eyes. 

  "It's just, I want to make this world the safest, as safe at it can possibly get at least, for when the little one arrives," she explained while slowly rubbing her belly. 

  "With you around? She can't get any safer than that," Sylvina responded with a tone of confidence. 

  "Oh, so you think it's a she?" Eir asked, with a curious little smile. 

  "Of course it is, just like her strong mother," Sylvina replied. 

  "Well, we'll just have to see when the child comes," Eir said, again, rubbing her belly with a gentle smile.

Suddenly, the glass doors to the castle that lead out into the garden opened. In came Sasha, dressed in a white coat that matched his long hair. He looked at her with a gentle, warm expression. 

  "And what is my lovely wife doing out here so early in the morning?" he asked, walking up to her with quick steps, holding out his arms for an embrace. 

  "Oh, nothing much, just watering the plants and herbs," Eir replied with a smile, getting up from her spot. 

Sasha stopped just in front of her and took her into his arms. Looking up, Eir leaned towards him, letting their lips touch. 

  "Just don't overwork yourself okay? It could be bad for your health," Sasha said with a worried smile, taking her face in his two hands. 

  "I'll be extra careful not to," Eir smiled back, "in any case, what have you been up to?" she continued. 

  "Just the usual stuff, you know. Signing paperwork, meetings with the people, just following the King around," he replied with a tired look in his eyes. 

  "My poor, busy husband. Then what could you possibly want in the gardens for you to take time out of your schedule?" Eir wondered with a little smile spreading across her lips. 

  "Actually, I was looking for you. The King has something he wants to speak with us all about," Sasha replied. 

  "Whatever could that be?" she responded, looking like a question mark. 

  "Not even I know that, but it seemed urgent. Guess, we'll just have to go there and find out," Sasha said as he held out his hand, urging his wife to take it. Eir did, and the two, together with Sylvina following right behind, walked to the throne room.


Almar was sitting on his throne, his crown shining bright in the golden light of the morning sun. Perched around his shoulders were Eira and next to him on a slightly lower throne sat his queen, Lusha, with their little daughter in her lap. The two elf's looked at each other with loving eyes. 

Suddenly, the giant doors creaked open. In came Eir and Sasha, together with little Sylvina jumpin behind. They walked up to the throne and looked up. 

  "My King," Sasha spoke as he kneeled down. 

  "Get up, my friend," Almar said, raising his arms in a gesture. Sasha, raising his head, smiled and stood up. 

  "What have you brought us here for?" Eir asked with a curious expression. 

Almar smiled. "Did you know it has gone five years now? Five years since we all marched towards this very castle and brought down the great evil that was inside of it," he spoke. 

  "Yes," Eir replied and smiled, thinking back on the old days. 

  "Well now, just look at us now! The four of us have accomplished so much. Lusha, my wise queen has been by my side, giving me so much advice on how to rule, giving me a strong, beautiful baby girl to one day take my place," he continued, looking down at his wife and daughter. Lusha looked back and gave him an equally warm smile.

  "Then, we have Sasha, my right hand and the head of the royal guard. My friend, what happened to you in those dungeons have forever changed your life, but you have made sure it hasn't happened to anyone else in this kingdom. You've kept this place safe for our children to grow up in and for that, I am forever grateful," Almar said as he bowed down deeply at his dear friend. Sasha looked a bit troubled at the gesture but accepted it. 

  "And lastly we have Eir. Ever since I appointed you the Royal Healer, you've been a great help, traveling across the kingdom, spreading your medicine and knowledge. Our people are forever in your debt. I'm truly sorry for what happened between us back then but now, it greatly pleases me you have found such happiness in life together with Sasha, and you're even expecting a child!" he said with great joy and excitement in his voice, making Eir grow a big smile on her face. 

  "That's why it pleases me so greatly to tell you both that Lusha and I are expecting yet another one! Aren't you happy? Our children will get to grow up together," Almar announced in a big voice, so big that it echoed in the great hall. The four friends looked upon each other with happiness radiating as they envisioned the near future. The future of Dryadalis.

The End.


Gaaaah! It's finally over! The long journey is finished. We hope you sticked around to see it, well, I guess if you're reading this you actually have. But most importantly! We truly hoped you enjoyed:

The King Returns

by: DragonChildren 

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