1:I'm awake...where am I?

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The dull, rhythmic sounds of dripping was the only melody your barely conscious ears could detect. The last thing you remember was seeing a bright orange glow surround you and cause you to pass out . You awoke, lying on a freezing cold, damp, concrete/dirt floor, which was painfully unfamiliar to say the least. Even though it caused you great pain, you forced your swollen eyes to open. It took you a while to fully focus on your surroundings so you blinked a few times to clear your fogged vision. After you got your bearings, you drooped your head forward to thoroughly caress the back of your neck; stiffened and aching, but something else caught your attention. You could make it out to be a puddle, but of what you didn't dare to find out, whatever it was it wasn't water.

You gulped and slowly lifted your gaze. A giant mountain of toys, discarded junk, clothing and other bits of unidentifiable material were strewn about, strategically balancing atop one another. The whole structure seemed to sway back and forth as you rose to your shaking feet steadying yourself. You took a few seconds to look straight upward to see how high the abomination stretched towards oblivion; it seemed to never end.

"Where am I...? I need to get out" You thought to yourself as you desperately looked in each direction for some small signal of luck. You turned your head to the right and to your shock, you saw a strange door similar to a vault door half opened that lead into some kind of tunnel leaking with water. You took this as an opportunity to leave whatever hell hole this was a go home. However, just as you raised your knee to hop up into the tunnel you heard the slight quiet jingles of a music box. You turned to see what was making the childish melody, when just slightly you saw the top of a small, once colourful music box begin to rise up from the debris. You watched the small handle grind to a halt, and a small clown puppet sprung out from the top and let out a small giggle. You sighed to yourself and called yourself and idiot for being scared, but then just as you looked ahead into the dark tunnel, you felt something grab you throat.

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