3:What does he want?...

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Your breathing increased as you frantically looked around for the clown in case he came back. You felt like you were going to pass out with fear until you heard a slight noise coming from that enormous pile of junk in the centre of that hellish auditorium. In the centre of all the junk a small stage was stood. It was unlike anything you'd ever seen, it was lit up with yellow and orange lights, it had what looked like rope covered in dry pondweed strung from the ceiling of the stage, ironically it didn't look friendly at all.

The sound was coming from the centre of the small stage, the clown was sat in the middle with his legs crossed, his long fingers impatiently tapping his knees as if waiting for something. As you looked at him you noticed he was malevolently chuckling at you.
"W-Why are you laughing at me?"
You shakily questioned hoping you hadn't crossed the line.
"Hehe, because of your fear, my little meal". The clown smirked with a visible look of lust in his eyes.
"Yes, are you afraid of me, are you afraid of Pennywise the DANCing clown?!" He said shaking his body as he muttered the word "Dancing" causing the bells on his suit to jingle.

"Did you bring me here?" You questioned quietly, slowly looking away to hide your eyes that were welling up with tears of fear. There was an eerie silence, before you heard him rise from his child like position; the silky fabric of his suit grinding as he slowly rose and jumped down from his stage. You slowly, very slowly looked back to him wiping the tears from your puffy eyes. He was about 6 feet from you, towering over you quietly sizing you up.
"What do you want?" You asked trembling. He slowly walked towards you like a predator stalks its pray, his eyes glowing a burnt orange shade; it made you shake from head to toe. It was...beautiful. You felt crazy, but his eyes entranced you, and you loved it.
"You...". Pennywise's low, raspy voice croaked with a demonic smile spread across his face . With that, Pennywise charged at you, his eyes burning brighter than ever, you quickly dodge him and fell roughly to the floor once again.

You rolled over onto your back and tried to scuttle yourself back but hit a wall, he lurched towards you with his eyes slightly trailing off in two different directions.
"Yes...let go of your sanity...be afraid, my dear." He said bending over to get a closer look at you eyes that were now streaming with tears. Despite your infatuation with his eyes, you couldn't hide fear.
"No! No no no, please no! Don't touch me!" You cried covering your face with your frail arms.
He dove down to your level and began teasing and mocking you, he grabbed you by the shoulders and started violently shaking you back and forth, hardly caring if your head hit the wall behind you.

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