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You and penny sat together for the longest time. It must've been at least 3 hours. He cradled you softly in his arms, never letting you go. You savoured everything he did, from the small frequent beats of his heart, to the way his deep breathing made your face drift in and out as your head rested against his chest.
For the first time in all your days, you truly believe things were perfect.

"Are you ok, (y/n)? Pennywise asked you softly dragging his fingers through you (h/l), (h/c) hair.
"I'm fine." You simply reply manoeuvring your head to another part of his chest closing your eyes.

"Your...getting sleepy...aren't you?" Pennywise asked stroking your sensitive back causing you to tense up and choke back a shudder.
"Yeah. Kinda." You say casually rubbing your left eye with your wrist. You thought nothing would change, nothing at all, until you felt Pennywise shift you in his lap and lean backwards drawing you down with him. You obeyed and lay with him as you use the puffed up shoulders of his suit as a pillow of sorts. You tiredly buried your face in the crook of his neck and sighed in bliss. That tingling sensation came back once again; Pennywise's fingers traced the perfect structure of you delicate spine, while his other hand was caressing you hair yet again. You never felt so completed.
"I love y-" Pennywise was cut of when the peace and tranquility of the moment was torn apart by the echoing roar of a bullet ricochet through the tunnels of the sewers.

Pennywise rose with lightening speed and jumped off of the stage causing you to roughly hit your head on the stage floor. Pennywise stood like a pointer guard dog trying to identify what direction the sound came from. He sniffed the air and turned to look at you; his eyes burning red as the devil himself.
"Hide..." Pennywise ushered pointing you to one of his tunnels. In a state of confusion and fear you obeyed his instructions and fled into a tunnel on the right of the stage.

The only thing you could hear was your heavy breathing and footsteps pounding and splashing the gray water beneath you. After about 50 seconds of running you stopped and listened. You could hear at least 2 male voices coming from seemingly every tunnel you could see. You couldn't see them but you could tell they were adults. You could make out...

"Why the fuck are you wasting you bullets rookie!?"
"Sir, uh some fucking kid just came running at me!"
"What kid!?"
"I don't know, I've never seen him before...but he only had...one arm. He kept telling me to leave or 'we'll all float' or some bullshit."
"Your right, rookie. That IS bullshit. Get your ass down there and look for this missing bitch!"

Who the hell were these guys? Where YOU the 'missing bitch'?

"Why the hell do we need to look here anyway?"
"I don't now, rookie. Some crazy old bat said she saw a girl and some crazy sumbitch in a clown suit come down hear. I guess it's just a pedophile."

Your POV
What the fuck?! Is this bastard insulting Pennywise?! The fucker! I need to tell penny there here...and I think they're coming for me.

You ran as fast as you could back the way you came to get to Pennywise. You entered the auditorium like space once again and caught your breath. Shortly after you caught your breath you frantically looked around for Pennywise but couldn't see him anywhere. You panicked. Almost as if on cue, another gun shot could be heard. You spun around to the sound and froze up in fear.

You heard rapid footsteps pounding the tunnel floor, about to cease upon you, and you felt like you couldn't escape. As the footsteps drew closer you saw the culprit behind them, it was Pennywise. He was clasping his shoulder groaning in pain as thick, black blood poured from in between his fingers and drifted upward.
"Penny?! What happened, why are you bleeding?!" You ask running over you him assisting him to the stage.
"They...SHOT ME!" Pennywise screeched furiously staring back into the tunnel he just emerged from.
"Who?!" You asked.
"Police!" Pennywise growled. He was growing weaker and weaker by the second.

Before you could say anything else, the two men found their way into the auditorium and stopped a little ways away from the stage. They were wearing matching uniforms, but one was tall and skinny and the other was shorter and wide; they kinda looked like Mario and Luigi but without the moustaches.

They stood awestruck for a second before the tall one brought his gun to eye level and fired. The bullet struck Pennywise in the left temple and out the opposite side of his skull. His body went limp and cold.

"NO! Penny please! Look at me penny! NO, NO PLEASE! DON'T LEAVE ME!!" You grieve, trying your best to hold up Pennywise's face to look at you. But his eyes were dark; practically black. Was he gone?
(Violence warning ⚠️)
You couldn't believe this. You refused to believe it. You couldn't contain yourself. You tore your eyes from Pennywise and aimed them at the tall cop still clutching his leverage.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" You roared. You got up vibrating with anger and jumped off of the stage onto the armed officer. You wrapped you hands around his throat and repeatedly smashed his head into the floor never taking your eyes off of his.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!? YOU KILLED HIM! YOU BASTARD! BURN IN HELL! BURN IN HEEEEELLLLLL!!!! You scream at the top of your lungs, your blood turned to lava as you continued to thrash at him in any way you could. He choked and gasped trying to get you off of him.

The other officer successfully lifted you off of him and handcuffed you.
"Whoa whoa whoa, take it easy kid, just calm down. Your safe now." The wide cop said tightly clutching the back of your neck leading you out of the sewers followed by the tall cop. You tried your hardest to escape and run back to Pennywise but your tears had immobilised you of all thinking as you looked back at Pennywise's lifeless body laying against the wood floor of the stage.
"Penny...I love you!" You called out hopelessly as you let you head droop and hot tears stream from your eyes.

Before you knew it you were outside. The blinding sunlight seemed foreign now. You hated this.
The two cops seated you in the back of their car and explained everything to you.
"A Mrs.Kersh called and told us she'd seen you go into the sewers with that guy my fellow officer shot back there, she seemed concerned." The wide officer said slightly looking back at you in the rear view mirror as the other cop began to drive away from the sewers.

You didn't answer him, you just stared with furious grieving eyes out of the window at the sewer entrance, the image of Pennywise's lifeless body still fresh in your mind.
"We'll call your parents when we're at the station so they can come get you." He assured you, not that you cared. For all you were concerned they had just taken you away from your home, away from your love. You wiped your remaining tears away and looked to the opposite side of the back seats.

There was a big, red ballon with somewhat comforting words on it...

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