6:A new life?...

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After a peaceful and refreshing night sleep, you slowly awaken, gently brushing the sleep from your rested eyes. You get up and stretch your arms high above your head and yawn. You look around but Pennywise was nowhere in sight, the only thing that could be seen was the stage and its dull lighting, toys and discarded trash piling up to form that abomination of a structure you'd become accustomed to.
"Pennywise...?" You call hoping to get a satisfactory response, but nothing. You jump down from the stage, slightly losing your balance as you land; having only just woken up. But then...just as you were about to call out for Pennywise again, you heard a small sound. It sounded like...chewing. It was coming from the left of the stage, so you walk around the giant pile of abandoned objects and try to identify the source of the sound. To your shock and horror, you see Pennywise crouched on the floor, holding in his right hand...the head of Henry Bowers. He was chewing on it. You scream and cover your mouth in disgust. Pennywise stopped and shot a look up at you abruptly and with one swift motion he opened his mouth incredibly wide and swallowed the head whole. It occurred to you that Pennywise had obviously eaten Victor and Belch too, all that was left was their clothes. His face returned to its natural state as he rose to greet you good morning.
"Helllllooo (Y/N). Sleep ok?" He questions wiping the blood from his chin carelessly trying not to drool at the delicious taste of the crimson liquid.

"Good, very good. How about you?" You shyly questioned looking him in the face. He didn't take his eyes off of you, almost as if he was admiring your every move.
"I never sleep...at least...not until I need to have my looong rest." He said, trying to focus both of his eyes on you. This confused you slightly.
"What 'long rest', what do you mean?" You question looking puzzled as you approach him slightly.
Pennywise then suddenly had a sadness building in his features; even his hair seemed to become droopy and lifeless. He gently clasped your hands in his own and slowly pulled you down to sit with him on the cold floor. You follow him to the floor and sit cross legged before him looking slightly shocked; you'd never seen him sad, it was either calm or sadistic.
"Well...you see...I hunt for human flesh...for a while...then after my hunger is gone...I go into a long rest... a hibernation...for 27 years. And when I wake...I do it all again. I'm full now...I'm tired...so very verrrrry tired." Pennywise said looking you sincerely in the eye sensing your building emotions.

You were shocked and confused, you didn't know WHAT to think. You quickly cupped his cheeks with your shaking hands trying to hold back your tears as you stared into his eyes.
"So, does that mean I'll only see you at least 3 times in my WHOLE life?!" You questioned becoming frantic, shaking and trembling, fearing a negative answer. Pennywise shrugged as a small tear fell from his eye and rolled down his cheek onto your hand.
Your POV
No! No I can't! I CAN'T LOSE HIM! He's the ONLY person in Derry apart from my parents who cares about me! Well if I could even CALL him a person! I know it's so dramatic and unrealistic to say this but I think I'm in love with him...already! Even if I have to kill someone just to keep him awake with me forever...then... I will! I NEED TO LIVE THE REST OF THIS LIFE WITH MY ANGEL!!

You couldn't hold back anymore. You burst out into tears becoming nothing more than a nervous mess. You dove onto Pennywise's lap and threw your arms around his neck pulling yourself up to hold him tightly, never letting him go even for a breath. You buried your face into his chest, ignoring your scolding hot cheeks; red raw from crying so much. Pennywise choked back a silent sob and held you tightly, wiping a tear from his eye.
"Pennywise...YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE FOR 27 YEARS! YOU'RE THE FIRST PERSON TO ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT ME! EVEN JUST A LITTLE! I....I CAN'T LOSE YOU!" You scream into his chest. The whole world seemed to vanish in this horrible moment of disbelief and sorrow.
"Please.....don't leave me." You weep taking deep, shaky breaths to calm yourself down.

Pennywise gently started to caress your hair trying to calm you down as he sensed your pain and anguish. The last tear ran from your eyes as he slowly lowered his face and kissed the top of your head lovingly. He began petting your head gently and rubbing your back to comfort you in any way he could. He hated seeing you like this, even if he didn't know you properly before you met, apart from observing you from afar, acting like a guardian angel of sorts.
" Don't worry...I'll find a way to stay with you forever..." Pennywise assured you lifting up your chin to face him. He slowly, gently lowered his face once again and kissed your trembling lips. You breathe out shakily and kissed back rougher, your hands found themselves traveling up his back and into his ginger/auburn hair. He wrapped his arms around you completely, keeping you safe and warm as your pulse increased with ecstasy. You broke apart from your kiss and lowered your head to rest it upon the ruffles of his costume around his neck. Resting with him like this somehow calmed you down and reassured you that he was truly yours forever. You smiled closing your eyes, taking a deep, relaxing breath. That wasn't all. Pennywise leaned down to your ear and whispered something you'll never forget...
"Were eternal...my queen..."

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