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You couldn't believe your ears, part of you refused to believe Pennywise, yet the other wanted to know more. You didn't know how it was possible, yes you knew about physical reproduction, but you never thought that Pennywise would be the 'fertile' type. He slowly removed his hand from your chest and placed it over his knee, you sat there shocked before starting to question Pennywise.
"How do you know?" You asked him sounding slightly sceptical. Pennywise raised his unfocused eyes to yours and began to speak.
"Because I can smell it...you didn't seem the same when I returned...Like something else was within you..." he said, trying to keep both his eyes on you. This would make sense since Pennywise was an alien creature that could sense anything within the human anatomy.

"Well, then what'll I do? When will it arrive?..." you asked becoming nervous. Pennywise crouched over to you and took a deep inhale through his nose, taking in the scent of your stomach. He pulled away and looked back at you.
"My species...I'm the last of my species...but when a female becomes expectant, her expectancy is accelerated far beyond the expectancy of a human female..." Pennywise responded trying to make himself sound clearer than he sounded to himself.
"Just tell me how long I have..." you replied trying not to get frustrated.
Pennywise reached out and cupped your stomach, he caresses it and occasionally moved his hand to another area on your stomach, as if he were a doctor performing and ultrasound scan. He stopped manoeuvring his hand when he felt something inside your abdomen. His eyes widened and began to glow baby blue.
"You don't have very long...not long at all..." he warned, his eyes still clamped onto your stomach. Your heart began to race and you could tell by the look on his face, he was being sincere.
"H-How many are there?..." you asked hoping to gather as much information as you could.
"Only one...my species can only produce one offspring...once they finish they're expectancy...they can no longer become expectant anymore...and since you agreed to become immortal, one of my kind, your bound by this rule also..." Pennywise said staring you in the face. If you were being honest, you were glad to only be having one, you didn't really enjoy the concept of child birth.

"I can sense some other things..." Pennywise said looking back at your stomach. This peaked your interest and you sat up straight so that Pennywise could better explore your stomach to get whatever information he needed.
"What is it?" You asked, sincerely becoming excited.
He manoeuvred his hand some more while closing his eyes.
"The offspring will be just like me...a male...but he will not be shapeshifting for a while...when he arrives he will be taking his true form...my true form..." Pennywise said slowly. This made you smile, he was just like his daddy.
"Were having a little boy?" You questioned excitedly, grasping for his hand.
"The offspring will-" you stopped Pennywise mid sentence and corrected him.
"Its 'baby', the word is 'baby'." You said smiling. Pennywise had obviously never heard the word 'baby', since he tilted his head like a confused dog.
"Baaaayyyy...beeee..." he said trying to sound the foreign word. You laughed slightly and nodded even though he pronounced it wrong.
"In Derry...expectant females give they're offspri-...baby, a name." He said correcting himself looking you in the eyes. This was were things began to get difficult, you never thought you'd have to name a baby before, this was a huge leap for you. You thought for a minute taking into account the things that had previously happened to you. An idea came into your head.
"How about...'Ominous'?..." you suggested. Thinking about it, you found the name 'Ominous' seemed only right for the baby, considering how Pennywise had been behaving when he found out you were pregnant.
"Ominous?...I like it.." Pennywise said pulling you into a hug. You followed his movements and hugged him back. He kissed the top of your head and you giggled in excitement, confident in the knowledge that you and your king were starting a family. You both pulled away from each other and gazed down at your stomach, just in time to see a small shape of an arm press against your skin from within your stomach. Pennywise's eyes lit up in excitement as he let out a wild cackle. You laughed too, what he found funny about it you didn't know, but just seeing him laugh like that made you laugh.
"Ominous is movin'!" He wheezed, trying to control himself.
"He sure is." You laughed.

Pennywise x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now