From Heart to Heart (doki doki)

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 Swiper nervously wiped his hands on his pants, but in a cool suave manner so that he wouldn't look like a nervous wreck in front of her, Dora, who he had called to blueberry hill, somewhere in a quiet park. Grasping the letter in his hand Swiper held it up to his face and sighed at it. He never intended to bring it with him, the letter was basically his confession to Dora if he couldn't get the balls to say it to her himself verbally. Swiper then took a deep breath and thought about anyway his confession would go well. However with things like that he started thing in the opposite direction. What if she doesn't even come over? What if she rejects me because how shitty I've been to her? What if i can't even utter the words to her??? Well I guess that's what the letter is for- Then Swiper is cut off by the biggest concern of all... What if she took that god awful Boots with her?!. At this point he was overthinking the situation, Swiper was getting super over-worked over that idea, that idea his head started pounding, heart beating so fast he would need a heart monitor. Swiper clasped his hands on his head, pulling at his ears, cold sweat coming down his face.

 "Swiper? I got your text and I was a little concerned that I couldn't trust it because it didn't look genuine bu-," Dora says walking up the hill. "Are you okay? You look terrified!"

 Very slowly Swiper took his hands off of his ears, not only was he super worked up and was pulling on his ears so hard, he had completely had not heard Dora's foot steps. Swiper didn't even have the time to get his shit together again. As his gaze set on Dora it felt as if all the time in the world had stopped. 1 second. 2 seconds passed. 3 seconds passed. Swiper could feel himself coming to a blush as if setting all of his worries aside the fact that he was not standing in Dora's presence was so breathtaking that Swiper nearly fainted from the overload of emotions running through him.

 "Uh, hey what was that 'thing' you wanted to tell me that you couldn't tell me over the phone?" Dora says loud enough for Swiper to hear, as she tilts her head.

 "I- Uh- I- Mmmn," Swiper murmurs trying to find the words and the balls to confess.

  Dora puts her hands up to motion Swiper to slow down with a small look of concern on her face, "Okay okay, this must be really important, so just take a deep breath and just tell me no need to be scared to."


 "Yes Swiper I know, that's my name."

   Taking the advice given to him Swiper inhales and exhales and then looks Dora straight in the eyes,"No wait I just- okay Dora lately I've been feeling this thing lately towards you. It's not anger, disgust, none of those. These feelings have been eating at me for a while and for the last few days I myself haven't even eaten because-"

 "WHAT?!" shouted a loud sharp pitched voice from behind a bush.

  "B-Boots!?" Dora says a little shocked.

  Boots stumbles out of the bush with a half eaten hot dog in his hand,"Geez Swiper if you were so hungry you didn't have to tell Dora in person. Wait. Hold up...ARE YOU GOING TO EAT HER?! THAT'S TERRIBLE!!! YOU CAN'T BE TRUSTED WITH DORA ALL ALONE!!! I ALWAYS KNEW YOU WERE CRAZY!!!"

Dora shushes Boots, "Boots! You're causing a scene! And no, Swiper is not going to eat me why would you think like that?"

"Shit, what kind of crack fanfiction are you reading?" Swiper growls under his breath feeling quite offended.

  Swiper would have asked to continue at this very moment but Swiper wasn't expecting Boots to be here, well he kind of did but at this point Swiper was still questioning why Boots was hiding in the bush hiding  to repeat in the bush. Some anger and embarrassment were going through his mind. Dora looked the same at Boots but it was an obvious fact that she knew Boots was behind the bush.

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