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There was no thought of Boots not making it. Everyone was sure that he would survive. The scene was set, a soft rain poured over the area Swiper, Dora, Diego, and all friends near and dear gathered for the burial for Boots. Although a sad event Swiper couldn't help but feel a tense and intimidating aura coming from everyone else. He had felt guilty for Boots and everything. Swiper stood in the far back unable to face everyone. He couldn't help to think that someone literally died just because he liked Dora. As much as he would like to console the others he feel like he would only be making things worse. Swiper could feel the rain land on his head. Then the sensation stopped, someone was holding an umbrella over his head, or was trying to. It was lsa.

"It's been a while since I've seen you Swiper," she started.

"Same here Isa."

Isa then looked down at the ground, "It's devastating isn't it... I'm sorry you had to go through all of this."

Swiper looked at Isa in sympathy wishing that he could return the sympathy back,"There's no need to apologize, if anyone I think Dora needs the reassuring. A lot has happened to her."

"True, he was her best friend... I don't think I ever saw a time where they weren't together,"

Swiper cringed, he knew that yea Boots died but God he was clingy.

"Yea I guess they were the best of friends." Swiper replied swallowing his cringe.

After the service everyone was at Dora's house. Once again Swiper stood alone. He looked down at his drink. Then somebody placed a hand on his shoulder. Swiper jumped with shock.

"Hey no need to be so lonely, man Swiper you look like you just killed a man"

It was Diego.

Swiper shot Diego a salty look, "How could you tell me that, it's not the time for jokes like that."

"Why don't you come with me I have something to tell you in private," Diego whispers to Swiper.

At Swiper did not want to go with Diego but he figured that Diego must've had something important to tell him.


The two walked outside of Dora's house and at the front of the river under a tree to protect themselves from the heavy downpour.

Diego let out a yawn, "I just wanted to let you know that it wasn't your fault that he died I don't know why you're excluding yourself from everyone for that reason."

"Is that what you wanted to tell me that you couldn't say inside?" Swiper says looking and sounding extremely disappointed.

"You could say that", Diego said looking away from Swiper.

"Let's go back inside"

Swiper stood there awkwardly as he watched Diego walk back into the house. He waited for him to go inside of the house completely. Swiper looked down feeling uninvited even if Diego reassured him that he was okay, so without going back to say goodbye Swiper walked off from the gathering in the pouring rain. Swiper felt sick. He was certain that Diego was behind something.

Two days later Swiper decided to do some investigation on his own. There was no way that Boots just died in the three days he was out cold. He went to the hospital without telling anyone.

It was around 12 am at the hospital where Boots perished and Swiper slipped in. He knew that he'd have to find a way for him to get in naturally and manage a disguise. Swiper managed to find a janitor's closet near the entrance and with a swift movement he ran in unnoticed. He found a uniform and changed into it. Swiper took a janitor cart and went out into the hospital, he got into a elevator and took it to the floor Boots was staying on. Swiper walks into the room and starts to inspect the area Boot's was staying in. He noticed that the IV drip was rigged. Then he stumbled upon it. A journal. It belonged to Diego as Swiper had seen him carry it around before. This was so bizarre why would he just leave it here. This was quite obviously a set up but as much needed plot fuel Swiper took it and opened it anyway. It read,

Log no.76

Boots came into the hospital in terrible condition after a vehicle accident. That's great, an opportunity is open for me to end him. My god is he annoying, such a pushover for Dora. I'll be his doctor anyway which is actually super convenient in this matter so he won't be much of a problem to get rid of. The problem is however is that Swiper. That damn Swiper, he'll be the biggest roadblock. I'll have to be more careful with him.


Swiper gasped, he continuously flipped through the pages of the journal. The more he knew the more twisted things became. Information, tea, things, dirty, nasty, and foul things were written into the journal. Then suddenly Swiper felt something lodged into his neck and fell to the floor. He turned around, it was Diego.

"Hm, I knew you'd be looming around," he cooed.

"W...what the f...f...fuck" Swiper said feeling the back of his neck.

"I wouldn't fret about it if I were you, what I put in you will kill you in a matter of minutes. What a shame that there was no other way to get rid of you."

"Your an idiot you know, even if you have a phd you're still a fucking idiot."

"Haha is that so?"

"Yeah you're also a sick bastard" pursed Swiper in pain trembling to stand. "Your sick for having feelings for your cousin of all people."

"What can I say? She's hot."

Swiper almost throws up in his mouth because of this.

"Looks like the mix is kicking in" Diego laughed.

"Guess I'll die then," Swiper trembled. "But I'll be taking your bitch ass with me to Hell."


At that very moment Swiper stood up with his last strength and ran over to the now running Diego. He grabbed him by the waist and Swiper lunged both of them off the 5th floor of the hospital out into the pouring rain.

< To Be Continued I \ I /

Beep Boop here's some edgy art my fellows,,

Beep Boop here's some edgy art my fellows,,

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