What Happened Doesn't Matter Now

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 Heavy breathing came from Boots. He was barely moving, barely. Boots lay still like a corpse too in shock and in pain to do or say anything. Swiper was panicked, a mere few feet away from Boots. His mind went wild, Swiper did not know what to do. Boots looked like a fish out of water as he was losing blood from the impact. Swiper stumbled to Boot’s side.

 “Boots, hang in there,” Swiper manages to cough out as he starts to grab his phone and starts to dial 911.

  Fumbling with his phone the line finally picks up “911 what’s your emergency?”

  “Yes, hello? My uh friend, he just got hit by a motorcycle and he’s on the ground bleeding out and I-I don’t know what to do,” Swiper says looking for the motorcycle and it’s rider.

  “Are you the rider?”

  “N-no,” Swiper replies walking towards the discovered motorcycle that is now in flames with the rider looking to be as dead as a doornail on the asfalt.

  “Okay, now what are the conditions of the rider and victim then?”

  “The victim is bleeding out, and desperately gasping for air and the motorcyclist is um.. H-he isn’t moving I don’t think he’s alive the area he’s in in in flames and blown up should I move the rider?”

  “No, that would cause more damage. I will send help just tell me your current location,” the operator spoke.

   “I’m west of Viola St. we’re in an alleyway.”

 “Thank you, please wait, help will arrive shortly,” then the operator hung up.

  Swiper puts his phone away as he starts to investigate the motorcycle from a distance. The cracked helmet of the rider lay at his feet. It is marked as just “B.”. Swiper was devastated, somebody lost their life and Boots was almost of the same status. Swiper started to get sick just thinking about that, he literally just wanted to go on a walk only to have to go through all this trouble. He sighed and sat down on the curb to await the arrival of help.

•• •• ••

 “Boots!!!” Dora exclaims in shock.

 She was standing in the doorway of his hospital room. Shock and sadness hit Dora as she walked up to Boots’ still body. She gasped at the sight of Boots’ condition.

“Ah Dora, there you are,” a voice says entering the room.

 Dora turns around, “Diego! Are you Boots’ doctor?”


 “Oh thank god, it's good to know that my friend is in good hands. Will be be okay???” Dora says wiping a tear away.

Diego checks the clipboard he's holding, “As for now, no he's in critical condition he'll be unconscious in an estimate of four days.”

 “H-huh?! Four days?! Isn't that a little too long for only being hit by a motorcycle?” Dora exclaims.

 “Well yes, it is, but it’s all a matter of where his injury was, in this case in the head and in various areas where his vital organs are,” Diego says in concern.

   “I just want him to be well already,” Dora sniffles.

  “Wait. Diego.”


   “I heard that Swiper was with Boots when the accident happened, where is Swiper?!” Dora says in shock.

    “Oh him? He got out of there with some stabs and bruises but I don’t think any major harm was done to him,” Diego responds.

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