Chapter 3

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"so whats it called again?" I asked finishing off my piece of toast. 

"St Marys" dad said peeping over his news paper.

"ugh, is it a christian school? with one of those tacky uniforms?" I whined, 

"I'm not too sure love, I haven't checked it out yet. we're going in this morning to talk to the principle."

"what?!" I had raised my voice without realising, "what time? I haven't even showered, and look at my bags under my eyes!"

"hun, you look fine. just go brush up and we'll leave at 10."

"agh, fine" I wandered back up the stairs and into my room. I'd been here a week and hadn't left the house once. I'd stayed up late last night waiting for a good time to call my friends back in Australia. I missed them so much. 

I walked into my closet and picked out an outfit for today, I went with light denim jeans a plain white singlet and a light brown nitted jumper. I carried my clothes into my ensuite and sat them on a chair while I turned on the shower. i quickly slid off my pyjamas and hopped in the shower. After 15 minutes of soaking myself in different soaps and conditioners I got a towel and wrapped it around my head. I decided to let myself air dry as the air was perfect temperature flowing in through my window. 

I walked over to my window admiring the gorgeous garden  until I noticed something, A boy standing on the other side of the fence, he must have been almost 100 metres away but well enough to see me, standing here, naked. It was just a brief moment before I snapped the window shut and pulled the curtains closed. great. new next door neighbour just saw me naked, oh and he was famous.

I pushed the thought out of my head, maybe he didn't see me. we were at a distance, but i'm sure that if i saw him, he wouldn't exactly miss a dripping wet naked girl. 

I dried myself and changed into my outfit, slipping on some black converse and a scarf. I went to the mirror in my closet and applied my makeup, just a light coat, and I dabbed some mascara on my eye lashes. I blow dried my hair until it was loosly hanging in aubern waves around my waist. 

I skipped downstairs grabbing my iPhone off the bench and slipping in the back pockets of my jeans. 

"ready dad?!" i yelled up to the study where dad was probably located. 

"yep! wait a minute, I'll just call the school and tell them we're on our way." he called back.

I twirled my hair around my finger waiting for dad. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and we made our way out the door. 

"dad, we aren't taking the limo there! I don't want people to think I'm some stuck up snob." 

"we aren't we're driving my car."

His car wasn't too much better, it was some sort of flashy convert able. we sped off to my future school.

We arrived and I couldn't  help it but I gasped. the school was nothing like ones in Australia, it was huge, looked similar to hogwarts but modern, it was crazy. how would I find my way around this place?! 

A man, he looked around the age of 50 stood standing at the front gate. we approached him and he welcomed us.

"Hello Mr Hemsworth, and you must be karla!" he said gesturing his hands in my direction

"yeah, Hi" I replied, still in a gaze at this ginormous school. "Your school is enormous" 

"looks can be deceiving, we have just under 700 students here and you'll find you way right in." he said with a wide grin. I couldn't help but feel abit creeped out by his enthusiasm. "come this way" 

we walked through the iron gates and into the school, winding up stairs and through hallways. so far i hadn't seen any students, although it was around 10 so I was assuming they all had classes. I was shown to wear the year 11 lockers would be and where the student help desk was, I was shown to the main year 11 classrooms and briefly I saw a few students through the windows in the classrooms. we headed towards the head masters office and made our way inside. me and dad both sat on dark green chairs opposite the headmaster, to my surprise it was a woman. she wore a black suit with glasses and a stern look on her face. her hair fell in an unbreakable silver curtain down to her shoulders, I couldn't help but wonder how she got it so perfect, not a hair out of place. 

"welcome to st marys, I hope you've enjoyed your tour. Our school is a place of learning and guidance, we provide excellent programmes for every interest and proceed all of our pupils to excellence. this school is one of three schools in England which will provide the security and needs for the richer and famous." she spoke without one single mistake, all of her words came through my ears sweet and sound. she revealed a perfect set of teeth and she smiled in my fathers direction as they babbled on about the school. i couldn't help but be distracted by all the different pictures and objects in her office, fish tanks, sculptures and paintings. 

As the meeting finally ended we made our way out of the office and back down to where we had come inside, I smiled and waved my hand as we took off in the convertable along the road back home, that was my school. wow.

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