Chapter 6

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"how was school darling?" dad asked as i slipped two slices of bread into the toaster,

"eh, it was okay." I replied casually

"Okay...?" He asked dragging the y's 

"Yeah, I mean I didn't really know anyone..well I made a few friends in class but thats about it, the school is pretty average and its hard to stay calm when you're sitting next to Miley Cyrus in Trig." He let out a soft laugh, 

"It will get better, just wait it out a few days and-" he was cut off by the phones familiar ringing, and swiped the phone off the hook, "hello?"

I grabbed the nutella from the cupboard and lathered my toast in it, I peacfully chomped on my toast listening in on the conversation dad was having on the phone, "Okay see you at 6:30"

"what was that about?" I asked nibbling on the crust of my toast 

"We've been invited for dinner next door, get showered we're leaving 20 past." my response was a sigh and i headed upstairs to my room. I glanced at the time, it was only 5:20 I had an hour, more than enough time to quickly check up on some social networking. 

Glancing at the clock again i leapt off the bed, practically flinging my clothes off in the process and darted into the shower. It was quarter past six, how did i let time slide so fast? the warm jets clensed my body and i quickly ran some conditioner through my hair and reluctantly turned off the shower. I stepped out of the bathroom in my towel and headed towards my wardrobe, "Karla! are you ready?" Victors voice startled me through the door, "Yep, I'll be down in a few" I replied searching through my draws like a maniac.

I found a striped loose fitting jumper and dark denim jeans and tied a scarf around my kneck before slipping into some blue TOMS and shaking my hair out of the towel it was propped up in. I wasn't too pleased on going out with wet hair, but whatever. I shook it around abit trying to do last minute styling and brushed some mascara on my eyelashes. 

"karla!!" dad knocked at the door, "come on! we're going to be late!!" I slipped my phone into my pocked catching a last glimpse at my reflection, okay I didn't look too bad, "coming!" I called back.


"so..who are they?" I asked as we headed towards the gigantic mansion before us. I already knew the boy who lived here but you never know he might have just been visiting or-

"the Styles family, their son Harry goes to your school I'm sure." Yep so it was the guy that saw me dripping wet naked, oh great. 

A woman, around her late 30's, answered the door with a welcoming grin, my body relaxed and I hadn't realised I'd been so tense. 

"Come in, come in'' she gestured towards the room lying behind her, "You must be Victor" she said shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you Anne" he replied reterning her smile. I followed them inside, my eyes grazing over the gorgeous furature spread throughout the house, I'd hardly been watching where i was walking until i stumbled into someone. "sorry" i quickly said, of course this would happen, the gap between us was non-existant and i jerked back to a safe distance. He smiled revealing two adorable dimples, "its fine" he replied in a husky tone running his hand through his brown curls, "Karla?"

"Yeah thats're harry if I'm correct?" although we already knew who we were from the walk to school today.

"nice to meet you...again" he winked at me, I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks and i hid my face in my hands, "oh god" I muttered. 

"it's okay, it wasn't a bad veiw" he replied smirking in the process. I playfully hit his arm and we moved into the dining room, my mouth watering when i saw the food layed before us. Harry pulled out a chair for me "My lady" he replied with an exaggerated british tone. 

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