It makes no sense

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It's been around six months since you've even looked at Camila.

You're not very popular at school.

Actually you're just invisible.

It's hard for teachers to remember your name, none of your classmates know it either. You're just "green eyes", "you in the back" or your least favorite, "hey mute!".

Ballet class doesn't help you make many friends, it's just private, three hour sections, and you're pretty sure you cant count Julie, your ballet instructor, as your friend; she's 30, married and has a 3 year old little boy, Noah, and even if you've grown fond of him, he doesn't count as a friend either.

Julie knows you're not a social butterfly. But she also knows that you love to dance, and that through out the years, you've learned to speak through dancing more than any other way.

And it's Julie the one that talks to you about The School of American Ballet summer program. She gives you all the information about the requirements and deadlines for auditions and your eyes are about to burst out, because the videos she shows you are everything you've ever dream of.

She's very excited about the posibility of you getting in, she helps you choreograph your audition and you work on it for weeks before you even tell your mom about it.

You filmed it so you can show your mom that you're good enough for this and that all she needs to do is to get you to New York by June 3rd, the day before the audition.

So here you are, waiting before your mother goes to work. You have your laptop ready with the video and you have all the other information Julie handed to you.

Your mom walks out of her room at around 7:00am and you practically drag her towards the small set up you have in the living room.

And this is how it goes.

"Jesus honey, what is all of this?" You're mom says as she takes a sit in front of your set up.

"Ok mom, you know I absolutely love dancing, and I've been doing ballet for almost 10 years now." You start out with what you think is your big introduction and you continue by saying, "and Julie really thinks I can make it big. So she gave me all this information about a school in New York that offers a summer program and I've been practicing this whole time for the audition-"

"What's the name of the school?" Your mother ask with her cellphone already in her hands.

"It's The School of American
Ballet but I-"

She tells you to shush while she searches for something and then moves her phone to her ear. You roll your eyes when you see she's calling someone because, of course your mom doesn't care about what yo want. She's never even seen you in any of your Junior ballet recitals so the possibility of her ignoring you right now to prabably take a business call pisses you off but doesn't surprise you.

"Good Morning, my name is Clara Jauregüi, may I speak to the person in charge of the admissions department." You instantly pay attention the your mothers conversation.

"Mom I have all the information here you don't need to-"

She raises her finger, signaling for you to be silent.

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