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You wake up early on Christmas morning, only because Halsey shakes you until you open your eyes and hear her say, "Wake up sleepy head, Santa Clause doesn't play around when it comes to your house girl! There's like, fifteen presents with your name under that tree and my paper wrap tearing instincts have been tingling since 6:00am."

You let out a low groan against the pillow but ten minutes later you're sitting infront of the large tree next to Halsey, who just passes you the presents once she already opened them up.

You notice that yours are wrapped in wrapping paper that has ballerinas dancing while snowing on it and it makes you smile.

It also makes you roll your eyes a second after smiling because, you see the handwriting on the card that says your name and you know that none of your parents put any thought into this.

Sinu chose the paper, Sinu wrote your name.

That Christmas morning you end up with the new iPhone X, Macbook Pro, iPad Pro, three pairs of dancing shoes from the best brands and outfits from the best designers in LA.

You take everything up to your room with the help of Halsey.

"Well, I guess I can't compete with all of that but, I thought this was pretty dope so hopefully you like it." You hear Halsey say.

You turn around as you finish placing your gifts in your closet and you see Halsey holding a brown leather notebook.

"It's like a journal, but people use it for sketches, like a sketch journal. I saw it on this cute little arts and crafts store back at home and I know how much you've loved art class so maybe this could be like your thing or-...honey are you ok?" She quickly pulls you into a hug and you let more tears fall down as you blink.

Apparently, you're crying.

It just hit you for a second, that no amount of material things, has ever made you as happy as a small notebook gifted by your best friend.

You shake your head and you tell her that you're ok.

The gift is ok. The gift is perfect.

She releases you from the hug and you pull out from one of your drawers the present you got her and she rips the wrapping paper off savagely enough to make you burst out laughing.

"Oh my God I love you!" She says as soon as she sees the neon orange polaroid camera.

"I umm, you told me you wanted to pursue photography next year when you start college so... yeah." You have no clue why your so nervous all of the sudden.

Maybe it's the fact that you care so much. About her. About your friendship.

Maybe it's because you're still a bit moved, because, she also cares. About you. About your friendship.

And for you, that's Christmas.
Genuine actions.
Thought out gifts.

Halsey leaves the next day and the big house filled with your family feels empty without her.

Of course, your mother doesn't last much without sharing her thoughts of your best friend.

"I don't understand how that girl was paired with you on the summer program housing. You were in the most expensive dorms and best accommodations. I was expecting someone much more...proper... when you said your roommate was coming over." She says as she sits on the large table with you, your father and Chris for the anual first day of the year breakfast.

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