You've done this before

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"You made us sneak out of my house and walk a mile, in the middle of the night, just so we can sit by a curve like lunatics?"

Apparently, your trust on Halsey has surpassed the levels of acceptance tonight. Right now, you have no clue what's going on and all she keeps telling you is 'trust me'.

You see headlights approaching and a very loud car motor accompanied by equally loud music. Your first instinct is to stand up and take some steps back from the street in front of you but Halsey just takes a step into the street and starts waving her hand with a smile on her face.

What the...

"Punctuality still isn't your thing I see," Halsey tells the guy inside the black 1900's mustang convertible.

"I see looking hot still is your thing." He says letting out a puff of smoke from the cigarette he's smoking. He nods towards you, "who's the kid?"

"She's going to be an apprentice tonight, we need to give her a little bit of edge," Halsey says as she hops on the car, "get in Lo, we're about to rock your world."

Just trust her.

You hop in.

"Ok you've definitely lost your mind Ashley Frangipane!" You shout as Halsey holds in front of you what she calls a Yamaha V Star 500.

"Lo! Don't worry, this is the perfect bike for a beginner like you. I started on one just like this and MGK taught me everything I know, you're in good hands, trust me."

"Halsey, I'm going to die."

"On the contrary LJ, you're about to experience what's it like to really be alive," you hear MGK say as he walks towards you.

"I dont know..." you bite your lip as you take a full look at the motorcycle in front of you.

"Just give it a test run, if you're not into it after that then we'll go back to your house." Halsey says as a last attempt of convincing you.

"Ok, just a test run."

You get home at five in the morning.

Feeling alive can be kind of addicting.

"Just go over there and ask her Lauren!"

"What? I can't just knock on her door like that, are you nuts!?"

"Oh my God, get over it already, her mom is busy wrapping your family's presents so she's probably bored and alone in there. Tonight is the perfect night to ride, streets are gonna be empty since it's Christmas Eve, so you have to man up!"

"You man up!"

"Really Lo?"

You let out a hard sigh because you've been fighting about this for twenty minutes and still you're just standing in your backyard unable to go and knock on the guest house door, "Can you atleast come with me?"

"Sure, lets go," you walk side by side until you're standing in the front door of the small guest house. Halsey looks at you and moves her hands drastically, signaling you to knock on the door, but you're extremely nervous, so you just stand there.

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