5. Khan

36 1 0

I am the punishment of all distrust

The regular vague memories of the lost

The smell of those left by the wayside

The current in the tide

I am the punishment of God

And all of his undeserving power

Of all uninterested in his plans

Moral fans

Extended hands

I am the likeliness of all unkind

For those who didn't yet deserved to be dined

The ones who didn't deserve to be just

a fleshy release

The steam

The gnashing of the teeth

The hash smoking speed

The melancholy reads that influence

the laughter of mine owns

The ones spending midnights on the



But with one in the zone


Comfortable in his shoes

The one who don't got nothing to loose

Not abused


"I am the punishment of all mankind

If you would have not committed great


God would not have sent a punishment

like me upon you"


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