33. Space

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In space

In time

You do your space thing and I'll take my time

I love you because you are an astro-NOT

Because you claim to be something that you're not

Because you claim to blame me for feelings of spacious needs

Like I smothered your chicken with gravy

Ones feelings of caress

At one point I felt blessed

To have you


Wasn't really anything exceptional to have

Wasn't equity adding to the better me

Was taking deposits from my bank account to destroy my economy

Face it

Sometimes when it comes to the past, you got to erase it

I would have started off new with someone real

No offense to your counterfeit activities you're just not that Boaz

With seeds that would have brought the bloodline of kings together

David wrote warnings of you in the African proverbs

Jack Nickelson's wrinkles threaten me of you with terrorist words

Obama searched for you for eight years to realize you were in the states the whole time

Rappers tried to explain to you without no God there is no rhyme

Without no God there is no true testimony

Without no true testimony there is no heart

You let the universe make you heartless because of the hurt that God wanted to dish your way to make you stronger for future days

To lead you to him to learn his ways

It's funny how emotionally disconnected people can get thinking they are being stronger individuals by not letting anyone in

Which leads them to hide their emotions from the world

And dodge anyone who they see is peeling the layers of their scarred heart away

I can't deal with emotionally abandoned people, nobody can

Cause victims who don't have God's love for people in their hearts to begin with, become predators

And wouldn't even know they are hurting someone

And when they find out, they wouldn't even care why because they were heartless before the "relationship" began

Lost in time

Lost in space

Lost without ever feeling true love.

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