Chapter 30: Lucky Clover

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A certain green haired stood quietly on a tall building, he seems to be quite problematic at that exact moment, looking down the huge city.

A little while he took his phone from his pocket, as he took it a chime of a fallen object was what he hear. He looks down seeing two objects silver and green.

As he pick it up he felt a pang of pain in his chest. The silver one is a huge four leaf clover pendant while the other one was a real clover well preserve within a diamond shape glass. Both objects were given by two important persons in his life.

He could still remember how those two things were given to him…. At the similar day and similar reason…




It’s the tenth time Kise! I will not play a one-on-one with you! I also have things to do at home okay!He was already irritated with the blond who’s currently begging in front of him.

“But Midori--- How the hell did I forgot!” Midorima look at him.

“What?” The blond didn’t answered him, the green haired simply look at him as Kise pulled something out of his pocket.

“Midorimacchi!” He shoves his hand in front of the green head, revealing a silver keychain which look a lot like a clover with a 10 x smaller green crystal clover on i’s center.

“What’s this for?”

“I just want to thank you for being my friend!” The green head froze.

“I’m sorry… the truth is I wanted a true lucky clover for you… but unfortunately it’s very rare…. But…Just like Kurokocchi and Aominecchi! You’re a lot like a lucky clover to me ssu~!” There was that familiar toothy grin on his face as his hands were still in front of the green head.

“But I assure you! That’s true silver and emerald crystal ssu~!”

“Do you have any idea how expensive emerald and silver is!” The green head’s jaw drop as he said so.

“Well… I spend 10, 000 yen for it…. And work over time just to earn it…” Midorima’s jaws drop even more.

“But I don’t care Midorimacchi! A friend is much more important than that after all!” The smile of the blond never faded as the green haired felt a pang of pain in his chest. He hates it… How could he be pretending in front of such kind person?

If it isn’t for Takao… he wouldn’t do it…


“Hahaha! So Shin-chan! What really happen today that you have that smile on your face?” He sto teasing the green head for a moment, while Midorima remains annoyed.

“N.O.T.H.I.N.G. Can’t you understand that Bakao!” He raise his voice at that exact moment.

“Fine! Nothing happened!”  The raven haired pouted looking at the green haired.

“Now that I think of it…” The raven haired pulled something out from his pocket revealing a lucky clover, stuck between two diamond shape transparent glasses.

“A lucky clover?” Seeing it, he immediately remembered the blonde’s gift.

“It took me 5 hours searching for that thing this morning…but the truth…it took me 5 months in total…” Midorima’s jaw drop. It was similar to his expression when Kise told him about how much the silver clover cost.

““Shin-chan Don’t worry about it I’m fine!” The raven haired said seeing the green head glooming.

“Don’t worry Shin-chan! I don’t care how long it took me searching for it! A friend is much more important than that after all!” Midorima’s orbs widen, hearing similar words from the raven head’s mouth.




Am I really that important to them?

These two are extremely important to him, he close his eyes as he put the two clovers back into his packet.

There’s one thing for sure… I can’t afford losing them…

[A/N: i really do love tragedy... so what do you think of the story so far?]





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