Michael Clifford - Banding Neighbours

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You open your bedroom window and peer out to see if you can see the source of the music but you see nothing.

You recently had a new neighbour move in next door and most days all you hear is music, but you have never heard any of the songs that are being played.

You close your window and storm out of your room and over to the house next door, forgetting you are in your PJ's and you haven't even had time to look in the mirror yet. It isn't your fault that they people next door like to listen to their music loud early in the morning.

You knock on the door and wait impatiently for the door to be answered.

The music stops and you hear a few voices before the door opens revealing a very attractive buy with blonde, straightened hair. He is a good amount taller than you are and he is absolutely gorgeous.

"Hello" he smiles and leans lazily against the door frame.

"Hi" you say, unable to get anything else out while you are memorized by his looks and sexy voice.

"Can I help you?" he asks folding his arms over his chest and placing a smirk on his lips.

"You sure can..." you say quietly eyes him up before you notice he can see you checking him out. "I mean yeas, can you please keep your music at a lower volume. Some people like to sleep in the morning" you tell him crossing your own arms over your chest and looking him in his green eyes.

"Sorry. We have just been practicing a lot lately. We can tone it down a bit for you" he tells you with a small wink, but he makes no attempt to go back inside.

"Oh, are you in a band?" you ask, casually wanting to get to know this very attractive better.

"Sure am. We are playing a gig soon. You should come" he invites you with a small genuine smile on his face.

"You don't even know me?" you challenge him, putting a smirk on your own lips.

"I'd like to" he replies just before voices coming up from a basement and over to the door where you and this boy is.

"Michael. I invited you over to practice, not you flirt with my neighbour." A boy with curly blonde hair says hitting Michael in the arm lightly.

"Hey there beautiful. What's your name?" another boy with blonde hair says but his hair is straighter than the other one.

"My name is Y/N" you tell him blushing.

"That is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he says to you sending you a cute wink.

"Back off Luke" Michael whispers harshly hitting his friend in the stomach.

"I'm sorry about these doofus's, would you like to some in Y/N" the boy with dark brown hair and a darker tan says. He pushes the boys aside to let you in and you follow him down to the basement where they have their instruments set.

"Hey Y/N, you wanna hear a song?" Michael asks and you sit down on a lounge to the side of the room. You nod you head and they grab their instruments, Michael on guitar.

"Beside you" Michael tells them.

The boy on the drums starts them off by counting to 3 and they begin playing their song. Michael send you a wink while singing his part of the amazing song.


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