Luke Hemmings - Birthday

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You lay awake in your bed thinking about what Luke his doing right now.

You and Luke are not dating, but you have had a huge crush on him for over a year now.

Ashton, Michael and Calum have taken Luke out for the night for his 18th birthday.

You couldn't join them because you have to start work early in the morning.

At first Luke didn't want to go because he wanted to spend his birthday without you. But you convinced him to go out and have fun with the boys for the night.

You hear your door open and a thud in the lounge room along with a groan.

You pull yourself out of bed and walk slowly over to your bedroom door, grabbing your hairspray on the way since you don't have a real weapon to protect yourself with.

You live on your own so you have no idea who has just snuck into your house and what they want.

You sneak down the hallway with your large can of hairspray held put in front of you.

You look around the corner to see a large figure clutching their leg and you front door is ajar.

"Who are you and why are you here?" You hear your own shaky voice boom.

"Y/N" Luke's slurred says quietly and his eyes look up to you.

"Luke, what are you doing here?" You ask, quickly rushing over to him and helping him over to your lounge.

"I wanted to spend my birthday with you" he tells you and drops down, pulling you down on top of him.

"Do the boys know you are here?" You ask him, pushing your hair behind your ear while looking down into his memorable blue eyes.

You can only see the frame of his features since there are no lights on in your apartment.

"I dunno" he says not taking his eyes off you.

"I am calling Ashton" you tell him and try to grab your phone out of your bra but Luke grabs your hand, stopping you from doing so.

"No. They will come and get me. I want to be here with you" Luke's voice is fragile and you can smell the alcohol coming off of him which makes you slightly sick.

"I have to let then know where you are, they could be looking for you" you try to reason with him but he is not having a word of it.

"I love you" Luke suddenly blurts out taking you by surprise.

"No you don't. Your drunk Luke" you tell him, pushing yourself up so that you are sitting beside him and he follows so that he is sitting up right.

"No. I mean it. I love you Y/N" Luke tells you again, looking at you intensely.

"Luke..." You begin to say but he cuts you off when his lips touch yours.

You heart beats like crazy, the butterflies in you chest feel more like a pond of frogs.

All you can taste is the dreaded taste of alcohol that fills his mouth.

But you can not focus on that. All you can focus on is your breaths coming and going with his.

"I love you too Luke"


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