Luke Hemmings - Saturday Schooling

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You wake up suddenly and look over to your alarm clock, it is 8:50, meaning you only have 10 minutes to get ready and walk to school, which usually takes you over 30 minutes. You jump out of bed and throw open your wardrobe, pulling out the first things you sees. You put on your clothes, skipping a shower because you don’t have time.

You run your fingers through your hair while you are rapidly brushing your teeth. You grab your bag and run out of the house into the pouring rain. You can’t think of anything that can make this day worse than it already is. First your alarm doesn’t go off and now you have to run to school in the pouring rain.

By the time you get to school, you are dripping wet, your clothes are socked through and everything in your school bag it ruined.

You walk into the hallways and there is no one there, everyone must be in class already and you are the only one left out. You ring the water out of your hair and you lift up your shirt to do the same, but you stop when you see another person in the halls.

You see his blonde hair that is usually quiffed up, sticking to his face and is now looking a brownie colour due to being wet. His clothing is sticking to his boys, showing his muscles underneath.

Luke Hemmings. He isn’t one of the popular kids, but he isn’t unpopular either, he is him. He does what he wan’t and he doesn’t care what others think of him. Everyone thought he was weird for making a band with his three other friends, but he didn’t care what they thought about him, he was doing what he enjoys and that is all that matters to him.

“What are you two doing here” you here one of your teachers say, making the two of you looks at him.

“Going to class” you both state at the same time.

“It is Saturday” the teacher looks quite confused as to why the two of you are standing in the halls soaked to the bone on a Saturday.

“Are you kidding” Luke growls, running his hand over his face frustrated.

“Afraid not Mr Hemmings” the teacher chuckles at your misfortune.

“Cya later” Luke calls before he begins to walk away.

“No way Luke. You are not going anywhere; the weather out there is crazy. I don’t even understand how you two go here. You are not leaving until the weather calms down.

“You can’t tell me what to do, it is a Saturday” Luke growls.

“Actually I can, the moment you stepped into those gates, you were under my control” the teacher smiles smugly.

You watch as the two argue about who is right. You wonder how stupid you could be to come to school on a Saturday and why you even came at all, you would have thought that the weather would have stopped you coming, but it did not.

“Since you two are stuck here, you can clean the classrooms” The teacher says, earning another argument with Luke about how that is child labour and he can’t make us do it.

The two of you ended up in one of the class rooms, cleaning the desks and of course Luke chose to clean the white boards so that he can write stupid things on it first.

“How could you be so stupid to come to school on a Saturday?” Luke asks you, rubbing off his drawing for the millionth time.

“You came too” you mumble, moving to clean another one of the desks.

Luke doesn’t reply to you, he just begins to draw other pictures on the board.

You finish cleaning the desks and sit on one at the back of the classroom, watching Luke happily draw away, smiling at his creations, which are not very good, but he is happy with them, so that is all that matters.

He cleans the board and sets his phone down on the on teachers desk, playing music loudly out of the speaker, you don’t know how he managed to keep his phone from getting soaked when he came to school, that is why you left yours at home.

You and Luke begin to jump around and dance along to the music, deciding to enjoy being there at school instead of glooming about the fact that you are both stuck at school on a Saturday.

While you are dancing you spin around in a circle and clip your foot on one of the desks, sending you forwards and you run into Luke, making the two of you fall forwards, you landing above Luke.

“Sorry” You mumble and try to pull yourself off of him, but he puts his arms around your waist and pulls you back down on top of him.

He kisses you and you feel your cheeks heat up. You have always had a thing for Luke, but you never thought that anything like this would ever happen to you. Maybe being stuck at school on Saturday isn’t the worst thing that could happen to you.

“I told you to clean the class room, not to do… that” the teacher walks into the classroom and breaks the moment between you and Luke.

You get off him and straighten your wet clothes before walking out of the classroom to the next one.

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