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I unfolded the crumpled piece of paper. The writing was curved and the ink dark green.

Dawn. Our Secret. 

I was a little disappointed. It wasn't a very mysterious note or long either. It had no details but I had a little idea of what he meant. Dawn today at the pass. Our secret. I tore the piece of paper into tiny scraps and threw them into the dancing flames of the fire. I bounced up and down on my bed, I thinking about how being grounded would be. I had ever been grounded. I fell asleep into an uncomfortable rest. I woke up a few hours before dawn and dizzily got out of bed. I rushed to my bathroom, brushed my hair and pulled on some dark clothes. I didn't know how I was planning on getting away. 

The window creaked open and I craned my head down. The fall was far. I swung my legs over the window-ledge and peered down once more. I took a deep breath and I almost lowered myself down but I lost courage at the last moment. I took another deep breath. The courtyard below seemed more than a thousand kilometres away now. I gulped and lowered myself down. My fingers held onto the window and I tried to find footing for my feet. I found a few cracks and then I started my climb down. The air was cold and it numbed my fingers. A few minutes later, my finger could barely grip onto the rock wall. They were so cold, it stung. My fingers were stiff but I kept a firm grip on the wall and tried to climb down once more. I held back a muffled cry as my foot lost footing and almost slipped off. I felt fear grip me like the winter cold. Wind started blowing and it whipped my face, stinging me with the bitter cold. I bit my lip in pain. I lost hope. I was almost halfway down when my fingers and face could not take the cold or strain anymore. I didn't feel my fingers slipping as I couldn't feel anything but I saw them letting go. I fell. My room window got smaller and smaller as I sped to the ground and so did my vision. It blurred, dark edging to the side of my vision. Darkness seemed to pull me in and I closed my eyes before I hit the ground. 

I blinked my eyes open. I let out a gasp and my breath fogged in front of me. My head was thumping, my fingers were frozen and feet were aching. I tried to get up but my cloak added on to my weight and I was too weak so I slumped back onto the ground. A few branches tickled my face. I tried to move my arms and brought my fingers to my face. I blew onto them. They were ghostly white and it scared me. There was a deep gnash on one hand but I couldn't feel it. This added to the fear. My hands were frozen so I was unable to feel the pain of the cut but I knew it was there and I knew it was going to hurt later on. I gulped. It felt terrifying to know something should hurt but it didn't hurt. Maybe the cut was poisonous, maybe something got into it. I would never know as I could not feel anything. At that moment, I wished I could feel the pain of the cut as badly as I wanted to see River and Secret. When my fingers were less cold and I could move them again, I heaved myself up. A wave of pain shot through my head and I cried out in pain. I looked around, I was surrounded by a small bush. Next to me was the Mansion wall. How did I survive that? I looked down, I had landed onto a big pile of snow. I was lucky. This had been the spot the gardeners had shoved all the snow when they cleared the courtyard. I didn't have time to be grateful, it was almost dawn. I pulled myself up and limped across the courtyard. I knew there was a chance someone could spot me but I was too sore and pained to care about that. I would either reach Secret or not. I found the spot I used to use to sneak out when I was younger. I bent down and crawled my way underneath the small hole. I got stuck in the middle and panicked but I finally managed to get out. Now, I had to get out of Evebridge. Great, I muttered sarcastically under my breath. I started cursing as I made my way along the quiet streets. All the houses' lights were turned off and a few stray animals wandered about, eating scraps. I reached December's house. Its ivy covered wall was comforting but I knew he wouldn't let me in. As I started hobbling past it, I heard a noise. It was the soft patter of a footstep. I turned around. Standing there, near the gate was December. His hair was messy and his eyes were red but it was unmistakably December. 

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