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     "Another Dragon?" exclaimed River. 

     "Yes," I repeated once again. "Another Dragon."

     "Where? Who? when? Why?" sputtered River. I arched an eyebrow. River had brought me some bread and cheese. We sat, munching quietly on the big boulder, watching Secret swim in the lake. It was early morning and River had come at first light. 

     "Dragon Reader?" River stammered. 

     "Yeah, that's what Agni said," I agreed. 

     "Am I a Dragon Reader?" asked River. 

     "I don't know. Can you understand Secret by looking in his eyes?" I questioned. 

     "A bit, I mean, I see them kind of flare and flame up and swirl sometimes but I don't always understand what they mean. What do you see in them?" asked River. 

     "I don't know how to explain it. They kind of, tell a story you know," I shrugged and took another bite. "Thanks by the way, for the food."

     "No problem..., I mean, it was a problem. I had to beg my mentor than agree to work a few hours extra and do a few chores for free and then I had to walk around town to find somebody who would sell the bread and cheese for the lowest price. But beside that, no problem," River said lightly. 

     "Sorry," I cringed. "I'll repay you."

     "No need for that," River waved his hand then thought a moment. "Actually it would be nice if you repaid me." I burst into laughter. 

     "Sure," I giggled. River smiled. Secret emerged from the water and then blew bubbles into the water when he saw us watching. We laughed at him. 

     "Is everything ok?" I said more seriously. 

     "What? You mean at Evebridge?" asked River. 

     "Yeah," I nodded. "Are my parents worried?" 

     "I think so. There was some news about you being missing. I think they'll send a search party but nobody could possibly find the pass," River shrugged. 

     "They could if they had dogs. I mean, they would smell my scent," I pressed. 

     "No, don't worry," River gave me a small smile. "Now, let's find out more about Secret." We walked over to he lake and Secret got out, drenching us in water. River groaned and grimaced. I stood still and cringed in the cold. Secret watched us, amused as if to say, "I've been swimming in there for an hour". 

     "Secret!" snapped River. Secret came over and blew gently into River's face. I felt a warm gush of wind.

     "Do you eat?" asked River, snatching the last piece of cheese I had and held it out to Secret. Secret grunted and turned away from the cheese. I grabbed back my piece of cheese and chucked it into my mouth. "Did he eat anything last night?" 

     "Nope," I replied, with my mouth full. 

     "What do you eat?" cried River. Secret turned to him and then walked over to the lake. We followed him and peered into the clear water. Suddenly, I lurched forward as something pushed me into the water. I gagged as water went up my nose. The water was cold and woke me up. I kicked to the surface and found River, paddling furiously to shore. He was shaking in anger. 

     "Hey!" he scolded. "What was that for?" I realised Secret was snorting and his eyes were filled with green which swirled madly. He was laughing! I groaned. Secret prevented River from coming back onto shore with his tail and we just paddled about in circles, wondering why Secret wouldn't let us get out. Secret finally climbed into the lake with us and buried his head underwater. He came out with a large trout in his mouth. River was already on shore, grumbling madly. He did not like water. Secret open his big mouth and forked his tongue around the fish before swallowing the fish whole. Secret then plunged into the water once more and came out with a salmon. He saw River's soaking and pouting face and placed the salmon before River's feet. I climbed onto shore and sniffled a laugh. 

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