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I woke up as Secret dipped down suddenly. I jolted upright and twisted around to see River still asleep. I peered into the basket to make sure Raven was still there then I looked down. We were flying through thin clouds and below us stretched out the ocean. Water, water and water. I marvelled. I had never seen so much water in my life. Secret dipped once more and then started flying lower and lower. Secret's wings' tips were skimming the water and I bent down, hooked by legs firmly onto Secret and then swung my body over and buried my hands into the water. I giggled out loud then swung myself back upright. River was rubbing his eyes sleepily. I felt a rush of anger as he stretched and yawned. I didn't know why though. We flew in silence. River swung himself over to touch the water just like I did. He turned his head and laughed at me.

     "See?" River shouted. "I ain't scared." I rolled my eyes and swung myself over to touch the water in turn.

     "You're so triggered," I yelled at him over the loud waves and wind. "I just said like one word and you get all triggered and mad."

     "I'm not triggered," spat River. I ignored him. I felt anger bubbling in me and tried to push it down. The flight was tense and awkward after that. Suddenly, Secret gave a low sound which I took as a sign that we were almost arriving. Secret suddenly shot up and Raven woke up and burst into tears. I let River take care of her while I tried to find out what was happening. A long jet of water shot up into the sky, barely missing us. I grabbed onto Secret tightly then twisted around to see River trying to hold on to Raven and Secret. I wanted to help him but Secret was ducking and dodging too quickly and I couldn't let go. Hot water jets kept shooting up. When we finally thought it was over, a big jet shot Secret on his underbelly and I felt the hot water spray me over me. I quickly turned to see River struggling with Raven. I hooked my legs onto Secret as hard as I could and took Raven and clung onto her. She was screaming and wailing. River almost fell and hung onto Secret. I could barely stay on as I needed to carry Raven in my arms as well as stay on Secret's back. Another water jet flew up and Secret dodged it but suddenly, a big hot water jet hit Secret. I felt him judder and he tipped over. I quickly stuffed Raven back into the basket where she would be safe for a while. Secret tipped over and tried to fly up at the same time, making River lose his grip. I saw River fall. Secret was concentrating on dodging more water blasts and didn't notice. 

I jumped. Secret flew up into the sky and back into the clouds. I felt the wind whip me in the face. I saw the water rushing to me, nearer and nearer, faster and faster. I got scared. This was a bad decision. But I couldn't change it now. I hit the water hard. It was surprisingly warm and bubbly. As I sunk deeper, it got colder and colder until it chilled my bones and I pushed back up, kicking with all my strength. My lungs were shouting for water and I broke the surface, gasping for air. The water around me was cold and I felt numb. I kicked to stay above the water. Waves were pushing me about and some pushed me back under the water. I tried to control myself as I felt myself spinning deeper and deeper into the water and transported by a current. I opened my eyes and saw blurry darkness below me. I wondered what creature would suddenly appear and kill me. Fear gripped me as cold as the water. My lungs were on fire. I needed air. I kicked and pushed against the waves bringing me deeper. I saw light. I broke the surface once more. I gasped loudly and took deep, big gulps of air. Nothing had felt so much better in my life. Waves were still bossing me around as I paddled about, looking for River. I suddenly saw his head bobbing out of the water and he then disappeared again. I swam for him. I swam until my arms ached and my feet were numb with pain and tiredness. My head swum and my whole body was cold and tired and heavy. I swam against waves until I shot into the water to where I last saw River. At least, what I thought was where I had seen him. I opened my eyes and blinked. My vision was blurry but I could see a shape in the water, lifeless. I swam down, kicking madly. I grabbed onto River and then swam back up. My lungs were bursting, I felt lightheaded. It was awful. I couldn't ever explain it. With River's weight, I could barely swim properly. Suddenly, a wave pushed us up and I emerged, pulling River with me. He gasps and sputtered. His eyes shot wide open and I let go of him. I couldn't hold his weight anymore. Fortunately, he started paddling furiously and I grabbed hold of him once more to keep him above the water.  

     "You-you saved me," sputtered River, gasping and panting for air. 

     "Breathe," I gagged over some water. We kept thrashing about, trying to keep our heads above the water. 

     "You jumped! You saved me! You saved my life," gasped River, his head bobbing in and out of the water. I couldn't answer him, my muscles were heavy and they burned. 

     "Thank you....," River heaved. "I-I-I don't know how to swim." I looked at him in disbelief. I groaned. Suddenly, something grabbed me just as I was about to let go and let myself fall into the depths of the water. Big claws wrapped around me and I closed my eyes. I was too tired to wonder what happened. I heard River saying something and knew he was alright. My muscles were numb and in such pain. I was cold, shivering, dripping wet. I didn't open my eyes. I felt wind rushing next to me, cold. I kept my eyes closed. 

I finally opened my eyes. We were soaring above the clouds. Even my bones were cold. Wind whipped past me and I looked up. Secret had caught me in one of his great claws, they were almost 20cm big. River had his eyes clutched and he was coughing and gagging. 

      "Secret! When are we arriving?" I shouted up. "River isn't looking good." Secret dipped suddenly and flew down to the water. I spotted a spot of green. It was a piece of grass in the middle of the ocean! It was big enough for Secret to land on. I knew that somehow, Secret and Aqua had something to do with the sudden appearance of grass in the middle of the ocean.We landed and I ran to River's side. He couched and spluttered. He was cold to the touch. He shivered dangerously and his teeth were chattering loudly. Suddenly, bubbles started to bubble around the island and then out of the water appeared a Dragon's head. It was much bigger than Secret's. It's eyes were long and thin and mysterious blue. I could see them moving slightly but it was hard to read them. It had short blue horns poking out of its head and its scales were dark blue but when I peered into the clear water, its scales under the water shimmered from blue to seaweed green. It brought its huge head to Secret and I tried to read its eyes.

     "Sorry for the sprays of water," its eyes swirled in a wavelike motion but very subtly. "I did not know it was you." I knew it was a female. She craned her neck towards me and River and opened her mouth to display a row of short but sharp white teeth. I covered River with my arms but the Dragon warned me to move. She then opened her mouth wide and let out a steam of water. It hit River and he gasped but he wasn't cold anymore. I touched his skin, it was wet but warmer. I sighed in relief. 

      "Air Dragons," said Secret. "Have been attacking villages. Destroyed a whole city. There are sighting of them in many villages now."

     "They always cause trouble. If their kind go extinct, it ain't my fault," grumbled the Water Dragon. 

    "It is your problem because we are all Dragons. We don't want war, do we?" Secret questioned. 

     "It won't do anything to us. We live peacefully under water, never disturbing a soul," the Water Dragon spat back. 

     "Aqua! Listen to me. WE. DO. NOT. WANT. WAR," Secret cried. 

     "All Water Dragons are safe. It is not our fight. I will not be helping you," growled the Water Dragon before vanishing beneath the surface of the water. I saw its sparkling scales shimmer then disappear into the depths of the water. Secret shook his head in frustration. River lay on the floor, looking straight ahead. I was disappointed and helped River up. I sat him up on Secret's back. Raven started wailing and I tried to comfort her. Secret spread his big wings and lifted up, giving a small snort. 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2018 ⏰

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