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hellooooo i had to search up romantic locations for this

amami's phone rings.
the ringtone is troye sivan,
so he figures it's saihara.

cutiehara displayed on the screen
confirms his guess.

amami is hit with a feeling of
longing that has been familiar
to him these past few days
without saihara in them.

but then, he assumes saihara
is mad at him, so he is reluctant
before pressing the confirm call

he ponders to himself whether he
should answer or not.

(in the end, the side that longed to hear
saihara's voice again won. then again,
amami pretty much knew it would win).

"hey! is this amami?"

to his surprise, it's momota's voice.
to his guilt, he is disappointed.

but as to not be hostile, amami
smiles, even though momota couldn't
see it.

"yeah. momota-kun, right?"

"the one and only!"

there is an awkward silence before
amami hears a this is taking too long!
on the phone and some weird noise.

then suddenly, momota's voice has been
replaced by an unfamiliar voice. this one
is equally exuberant, but significantly
more high-pitched, amami notes.


amami is shaken. it is a good minute
before he musters a reply.


"listen up, what tenko is gonna tell you
is important." the voice pauses.
"you know tokyo's meguro river, right?"

"of course?"

"and you know that park by it?"


amami hears a sigh of relief on
the phone. then the person on the
other side—tenko is their name, he
assumes—carries on.

"great! that makes this little task
easier. well, listen up. tenko needs
you to meet her and some other
people there on saturday, 8:00

amami is taken aback.


"it's about saihara."

those simple words trigger
a sense of worry in amami.
instinctively, "is he okay?" flies
from his mouth in a hurry.

"yeah, but he gotta tell you something.
don't ask tenko what it is. that's all
tenko is telling you. if you really wanna
know, then you gotta go.
but tenko's telling you, you better get your degenerate ass over there! shuichi would be upset and tenko doesn't want that,"

amami's heart leaps at the mention
of saihara. he weighs the pros and
cons of going over to the park on
the desired date and time.

(ultimately, the pro of seeing saihara
in person—even if it's for the first and
last time—outweighs any other cons,
so that's what compells him to answer...)

"...o-of course. i guess i'll see
you there."

"oh, you should be. anyway, tenko and
the others will probably be waiting
by the river. seeya, degenerate!"

tenko hangs up before he could say
anything else.

ok so a few more chapters b4 the big guns
i cant believe im almost finished with this adjfjjsk

i want to thank all of u for sticking around even at the boring chapters <33 ily all

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