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its confession time™

kaede is dragging amami
through the park with
surprising strength.

behind them was their entire
group of friends—iruma, harukawa,
shirogane, toujou (she actually did
accept iruma's invitation), gokuhara,
shinguuji...hell, even hoshi came.

(though amami suspects gokuhara
and kaede tag-teamed to convince
him to join).

oh, yeah, and ouma. in a wolf fursuit.
he had also been carrying an avocado
for some reason unknown to amami.

whatever, amami was too excited to
worry about ouma. so he just focused
his gaze ahead and let kaede pull him
to where they were supposed to meet,
which was the riverside.

after minutes of pushing past
families and being nearly bitten in
the pant leg by some lady's chihuahua,
they finally did reach the riverside.

cherry blossom trees bordered its sides.
petals gently wafted down on the water
and covered it in a layer.

the air smelled sweet.

but Amami had no time to admire
the scenery because beside him, kaede
let out a squeal.

"tarou-kun! is that him?"

he sees a group of people
(and a robot?) gathered by
the riverside.

however, it's the boy in monochrome
clothes that captures his attention.

(actually, all of their clothes looked
monochrome to Amami, but...y'know).

the girl with long braids gestured
to where amami's party was standing.

then the boy turned his head, effectively
meeting amami's gaze.

he looked shorter than amami (in fact,
amami was probably kinda towering
over the boy). his hair was neat, save for
one stubborn ahoge popping out of the
top of it.

he looked really, really

and kinda familiar.

he wore this oversized sweater and
slacks that kinda reached past his

there were petals in his hair.

amami can't help the smile that
appears on his lips.

kaede lets go of his arm.

"go for it, tarou-kun," she whispers.

he doesn't need to be told twice.
reluctantly, amami approaches the

"are you...saihara?"

the boy's cheeks darken and he
nervously coughs into his sweater
covered hands.

"y–yes. i'm assuming you're...

amami could only manage a nod
to confirm saihara's question.

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