Give Her Back -//- Percabeth

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A/N: This is going to be shorter than usual, but I think it's a lot better than usual! Also, leave ideas in the comments!

Percy was waiting for Annabeth to come back from one more quest before they left for New Rome for college. She, Jason, and one new girl, Xena, had gone a week ago. He was in the armory, heading for sword training when he heard voices.

"You may want to follow my lead after I tell Percy." a voice that sounded like Jason said. Percy rounded the corner. Jason and the girl Xena, who was no more than 13, stood there, and Xena wouldn't look him in the eye.

"Tell me what? Where's Annabeth?" he growled, becoming more and more upset by the second. Jason had true fear in his eyes. He mumbled something. "What?"

"We don't know. We woke up, and she was gone." Jason said, backing up. But nothing happened, besides Percy cursing so loudly and so brutally in Greek that the camp turned around in shock as the son of Poseidon ran for the Cove. Percy wasn't consciously aware of where he was going, he just ran. He crumpled on the rock next to where he and Annabeth said 'I love you.' for the first time, and stared numbly out to sea. He felt like a void had been opened in his chest. No one is sure how long he actually sat there before numbness turned to grief, and grief turned to anger. But you could look out at the water and be able to tell. Meanwhile, Jason and Nico had found new information, and Nico was going to tell him, much to Will's concerns for his safety. Nico walked up to his old crush more scared than he had been then when he was 11. Because being the prince of the Sea and Storms and son of Earthquakes is no joke. Nico walked up timidly. He looked behind him to make sure no one was outside besides him. They were all in the Big House. 
"Percy? We have new information..." Nico told him. Percy turned around so fast, Nico was surprised his neck didn't break.
"What?" Percy didn't sound angry, he sounded broken and desperate.
"It was... it was harhsha.." Nico mumbled at the end. Percy couldn't tell what he was saying.

"What?" he asked.
"Is was..... Hera." Nico said. Percy's green eyes went wild, and wind picked up. Nico turned around and ran. Rain was starting to pour, and more winds were blowing. Nico was freezing, but he got into the Big House, grabbed a blanket, and went to watch with Will at the windows. What he saw was maybe the most terrifying thing he would every experience for years to come. On the beach, there stood a 18 year old boy, feet in the ocean, mouth open and yelling, but no one could hear him. But they could see what he was doing. 
The ocean was furious. The storm clouds were so dark that the water looked black, and it was thrashing and churning. It was a hurricane. The water tides would come up and submerge him completely, but he would never move an inch. They all knew he was screaming, but the storm and ocean made to much noise. It was easy to see how powerful this boy was now. This would earn him respect for years to come. The ocean had been in a state of unrest for a week, since Annabeth had been gone, but up until now, nothing was bad, because nothing this bad had ever happened at Camp Half-Blood in it's long history. It was 9 hours of this before the Prince of the Sea lowered his arms, and closed his mouth. He crumpled into the sand and sobbed. No one made to help him, afraid of whatever strength he had left. Not even Chiron or Mr. D were attempting it. But the winds ceased, the storm vaporized, as if it hadn't been there before. The ocean calmed, now just gentle waves coming up to embrace the sobbing boy. Percy was exhausted. He let himself cry for 10 minutes, then he dried his tears and began to walk back up to Camp. He went straight to his cabin and came out 2 minutes later, dry, and headed to the Camp lines. Chiron galloped behind him.
"Percy, you have permission for whatever this is. Get Annabeth. But you must bring one more." Chiron requested.
"Nico and Will. Nico, you can shadow travel us out of there if things get bad, and Will, if Annabeth really is hurt, we'll need you." Percy said. Neither demigod argued, and followed him out of Camp. They went straight for Olympus, and no gods or monsters stood in their way. Percy slashed through monsters like a madman, and no gods tried him. They reached Olympus by nightfall. Will, Nico, and Percy walked straight up to the desk clerk, and said 
"Floor 600. Now." and the clerk looked at him like he was crazy. "Listen up. I am a son of Poseidon, and unless you want a hurricane in this room in 3 seconds, you will let us up." Percy growled, and the clerk nodded, pointing to the left elevator.

When they walked into the throne room, Nico disappeared into the shadows to look for Annabeth, Percy walked into the throne room, so angry now that medium earthquakes were rocking Olympus, and Will followed, stopping by a pillar, while Percy ran straight for the gods.
"WHERE IS SHE?" he roared. Even the gods looked a little frightened, or at least startled.
"She was trying to fight something that isn't her fight. She was endangering many." Hera answered calmly. 
"So you kidnap her? Do you know what we have done for you? Too much! We literally walked through Hell together to save YOU all from meeting your doom. WE defeated every single monster that charged Olympus. WE defeated Gaea! Not you! If anything, it is not your fight, because you sit up here and tell US what to do, and don't care if we die or not! So give her back, and we will stay out of whatever fight this is. All I want it the love of my life back, and not here, probably tortured or something." Percy said, and the ground rumbled in a mini earthquake. Zeus, Athena, and Poseidon looked mildly confused. "Apologies, Father, Lady Athena, Lord Zeus. If you were unaware, Queen Hera has kidnapped Annabeth Chase, and is holding her somewhere around Olympus." Percy told the two gods. Zeus looked upset, but not surprised, and Poseidon and Athena both looked downright deadly. Percy suddenly heard a whisper. He turned to see Will peering from the shadows, both he and Nico looking shaken up. Percy looked back to see all the gods were now taking sides and arguing, and he slipped away hurriedly. He followed Will and Nico through a small door into utter darkness.
"Percy? Percy, where are you?" someone sobbed. Annabeth. It was Calypso's curse again. She could find anyone but her love. But Will and Nico didn't know that. Percy looked at Nico squeezing Will's hand tightly, clearly upset."Call for her. I'm going to stand by the door. She won't be able to be near me until she's out of here." Percy told them. Then, he opened the door and stood there.

"Annabeth? Annabeth?" Will called.
"Percy? Why did you leave? Per-- Will? Oh Will! Have you seen Percy?" Annabeth asked. 

"He went past me a while ago. Follow me and Nico, and we can look for him." Will told her. Then, Percy heard shuffling of feet and saw Will carrying a girl. "She passed out at the mention of finding you. I don't know how Hera did this. But this isn't Calypso's curse. This is her completely forgetting that you weren't in her head until someone told her you were real. Which became overwhelming. This is her forgetting, Percy. And I don't know how else to explain. She should remember, but we need to get her away from here. Neeks, you okay to get us to camp?" Will asked. Nico nodded. Blushing, he took Percy's hand, and Will's finger, and they all moved into the shadows. A minute later, Nico had beads of sweat on his face, but Percy watched himself and the rest of them become black smoke. A minute later, they were in the Apollo cabin, and Will was already headed to the infirmary. Percy looked back at Nico, who was resting on a bed. 
"Go on. I'm fine. I'll be there in a minute." Nico waved him on. Percy dashed to the infirmary to where Will was giving Annabeth some ambrosia and nectar, and putting some weird herbs on a cloth with water and putting it over her eyes. Percy stood there until Will noticed him.
"You can sit with her while I go talk to Chiron." Will told him, leaving quickly. Percy held Annabeth's hand, and she jerked in her sleep and shuddered.
"Percy? Percy? It's so dark. Where are you? What's in my hand?" her voice was raspy but it was her voice.

"Annabeth?" Percy asked.

"I can hear you! But I can't see you! Where are you?" Annabeth asked. Percy took the cloth off of her eyes.
"You could have taken this off, Wise Girl." Percy told her. Annabeth jumped off of her bed and into Percy's arms. 

"Oh Percy! Hera took me and locked me away, and then I couldn't find you, and I was so scared, and-"

"Shhhh.... I'm here now. And we're going to college next month, remember? It's all okay. We don't have to talk about it." Percy soothed. "You're here. That's all that matters now." he added.
"I love you so much, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth whimpered.
"I love you most, Wise Girl." Percy promised, holding her tighter, never wanting to let go.

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