Facing Fears -//- Solangelo & Percabeth

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YouTubers!Will&Nico and their friends Percy and Annabeth facing their biggest fears on camera!(Side note: not in PJO Universe. Just the normal mortal world) (I got this idea watching Colleen and Rachel Ballinger and Kory Desoto facing their biggest fears!)

"HELLO UNIVERSE!!!" Will and Nico yell as they bounce in front of their camera. "Neeks and William here with Annie and Peter!" Will laughed.
"No but really! Nico and Will here and please welcome our friends Percy and Annabeth!" Nico says. Percy and Annabeth jump into view and flop onto Will and Nico's usual filming couch, basically forcing Will onto Nico's lap.
"Hey guys!" Annabeth grinned.
"So, today Nico and Will are planning on torturing Annabeth, themselves, and I today!" Percy said sarcastically.
"That's really fucking close to what's happening, actually." Annabeth interjects. Will laughs.
"Don't even start with me, this is all him." he says, pointing to the boy whose lap he's on. Nico grins.
"Yup. Although I'm not loving that I have to do this too." he pouts.
"Grow up." Annabeth says playfully, reaching over to mess up Nico's hair. Swatting her hand away and shoving Will (BRUTALLY Will adds later) off of his lap and onto the floor, he stands up.
"Nope! Not blaming this all on me, because ALL OF YOU AGREED!!!" he says in his best villain voice, which made everyone laugh.
"Anyway, I'm scared of the dark, so I have to sit in a dark closet for 3 minutes, which may or may not end with me crying. Nico is scared of snakes, and Annabeth is scared of spiders, so we found a company who will bring over snakes they can hold and spiders they can hold. (At the end I'll explain why I chose all of these fears, I promise) Percy's got a really weird fear of stickers? Like on his face? So I bought stickers." Will finishes lamely. "And all of us can chicken out. Because again, these are our biggest fears. So we have the rights. I'll be honest, I'm the most likely to chicken out." he adds, laughing.
"Like, I can handle stickers everywhere below my neck. But on my face? Yeah, no. I kind of  wanna die? When they're on my face?" Percy explains, or tries to explain.
"I'm so glad we're filming our individual breakdowns." Annabeth says sarcastically.
"You know what? Disclaimer: Everyone agreed to this on their own. Okay?" Will says.
"Alright, let's talk a little more about how this video is going to go. We're not really going to... edit much out? Like if one of us freaks out, we're not going to hide it, because it's normal, and we're human. You know Will and I. We're pretty emotional people, we try not to hide a whole lot from you guys unless it's like, a lot. But we don't even plan on hiding that for the most part. If we do, it's because it just took a long time for us to get back to, like, normal. Or as normal as we can be. Anyway, let's get started. We have that snake and spider company thing coming right now, so we're going downstairs to wait." Nico says, and then the camera cuts.

In the Living Room

"Alright guys! So this Vera, and she's our guest today with Creepy Crawlies, the company we hired to bring a few snakes and spiders." Will said.
"Hey guys!" a petite, raven haired girl, obviously Vera, says. "Ready to get started?" she asks. Annabeth and Nico are sitting side-by-side in chairs in the living room. Annabeth looks completely terrified, and has her eyes on a tarantula in a cage opposite her, and Nico is watching the snake across from him very carefully as well.
"I guess so..." Nico mumbles, and Annabeth nods slowly. She smiles and crosses over to them.
"Who's first then?" she asks.
"We actually had to flip a coin for this. Annabeth is." Percy told her. Vera opened the box and took out the tarantula.
"So this is Lori, our tarantula, and she's really sweet. Unless she gets scared, she's super calm. Try to keep as steady as you can so she doesn't spook." she says. Annabeth nods, completely white, and shaking. Percy walks over and sits there with her.
"Do you want me to go first?" he asks. She nods. He holds out his hands, and Lori crawls from Vera's hand to his. He moves his hands very slowly towards Annabeth.
"Here, see? She's so light, and calm. She won't hurt you. I promise, I won't let her." Percy says.
"Okay..." she whispers, holding out her hands. Lori crawls into them, and she seizes up. Percy immediately puts his hand on her knee and just rests it there.
"See? She's not that bad, is she?" he asks.
"Get her the fuck off of me." she says. Will and Vera laugh, and so does Percy, and Vera picks up Lori and puts her back in her cage. Annabeth slumps onto Percy, and Percy of course wraps his arms around her and let's her stay that way.
"Ready, Neeks?" Will asks. Nico nods.
"Pretty much as ready as I'll ever be." he says.
"So this is Alvin, he's our snake." Vera says, talking a fairly large snake from a box.
"Hi, Alvin." Nico says meekly. "Shit, babe. He's huge." he says to Will a little shakily.
"No he's not, he's just bigger than we thought he'd be." Will tells him.
"You ready, or do you wanna wait?" Vera asks, as Nico stands abruptly. He backs up.
"Umm.. I need a minute." he stutters out and walks out of the room. Will follows quickly, as does the camera.

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