Reunion -//- All

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It had been 10 years since the battle with Gaea, and Camp Half-Blood was hosting a reunion party over the summer. The 7, Nico, Will, Reyna, and Thalia and her Hunters would be there to regroup and catch up. It was more of a party, actually. 'The party of the century' Leo wanted to call it. But Chiron reminded him that the kids would still be there, and their children would be as well, and Leo decided to just call it 'The Big Reunion'. Everyone was coming.

Thalia and her Hunters were in teams, racing to get to Camp first.

Reyna was driving from Jersey with her husband, Mark, and her 2 kids, Christopher, 4 and Silvia, 11. She had grown tired of yelling at the two arguing, and just turned her music up louder. Mark sighed and took over the scolding.

Will and Nico were travelling up from Florida by train with their 10 year old daughter and 6 month old daughter, Cheyenne and Paris. Nico was rocking Paris, who had a stomachache, and hadn't slept in days, it seemed like. Nico slumped back against Will, praying to all the gods for relief.

Percy and Annabeth were going by boat with their son, Felix, and their daughter, Brynn. Felix was getting seasick and Brynn was the one rocking the boat. Percy wasn't sure whether to laugh or scold. But Annabeth eventually told Brynn if she didn't stop then she'd be in charge of cleaning up Felix's next mess. Brynn stopped rocking the boat, and Felix slumped back against Percy.

Jason and Piper were coming from New York City with their daughter, Rumi, who was 14, taking the subway. Piper was exhausted and looked starved. She was so thin you could count her ribs. Jason was concerned for his wife, but said nothing, lest a knife be at his throat for his suggestion that she couldn't care for herself. He hoped for his lively Piper back for even a little while.

Leo and Calypso were flying up from Arizona with their twin 12 year old sons, Asher and Phoenix. Phoenix was crying, scared of heights, and Leo was holding the almost teenager on his lap as Asher watched a movie. Calypso was asleep on his shoulder and eventually, Phoenix drifted off too.

Frank and Hazel were driving down from Canada with their three kids, Daniel, Emily, and Marie. Marie was playing on her tablet quietly, while Daniel played his video game and Emily talked loudly on her phone. When she got off, it was immediately Daniel yelling at her to shut up, and Frank was so tired of hearing it, he just sighed as Hazel pleaded for them to stop, and he passed her an aspirin wordlessly.

When the six cars, rental and personal, arrived at the borders of the Camp, all the adults, who hadn't been all together in almost 10 years, clambered out of the cars and ran to each other to hug and kiss and everyone was smiling. Then, Thalia and her hunters ran up, and joined the hugs and happiness. Even Reyna and Nico hugged everyone. Percy was so excited that the ocean was bouncing, making small tidal waves. Jason was so happy that winds were picking up, and Nico was summoning bones and Hazel had gold at her feet. 

"Welcome back!" an old yet familiar voice said, and Annabeth hurried to hug Chiron, who smiled at the happiness among his ex-campers. 
"Hey, Chiron!" everyone said. 
"This way, you all! Mr. D said we could use the party room in the Big House for a while to catch up, then it's down to the campfire!" Chiron said, leading the group of demigods and their children up to the Big House. The walk up was pretty quiet, but as soon as Chiron left them alone in the room, they all sat around on the chairs with their children. 
"So..... how about we introduce ourselves?" Piper suggested, not realizing she was using charmspeak until everyone spoke at once, and then they all laughed. But everyone agreed.
"I'll start. Hi, I'm Piper Grace, married to Jason Grace, and this is our daughter, Rumi. We live in New York City where I'm a model and Jason is a meteorologist, or a weatherman." Piper said, and indicated Percy and Annabeth to go next.
"Hi! I'm Annabeth Jackson-Chase, and this is my husband, Percy Jackson-Chase. These are our children, Felix and Brynn. I am an architect, and Percy is a marine biologist. We live in Washington D.C." Annabeth introduced herself and her family.
"Hello again, everyone. I am Reyna Zachary, and this is my husband Mark Zachary, and our kids, Christoper and Silvia. I am an FBI agent for 6 years, and Mark is a college professor. We live in New Jersey." Reyna said. 
"Hey, guys! I'm Thalia Grace, Jason's sister, and these are my Hunters that I brought, Gray, Nicole, Fiona, Rachel, and Zara. I go around the world, keeping you safe from monsters and bad people." Thalia said, as laid back as ever.
"Hi, guys, I'm Nico... and I have to go." Nico said suddenly, picking up a sobbing baby and heading out the door. Will watched them go.
"He's fine. We're both exhausted. He hasn't slept in a while. Anyway, hi! I'm Will Solangelo, and that's my husband, Nico! This is our daughter Cheyenne, and our other daughter, Paris, was the one crying. I'm a doctor, and Nico is a pediatric nurse, and we live in Florida." Will said with little energy, as was the way with the Solangelos these days. Everyone was a little shocked that Nico worked with kids, but they let it pass.
"Hi! I'm Frank Zhang, and this is my lovely wife Hazel, and our kids, Daniel, Marie, and Emily. Hazel has her own jewelry business, and I am a war strategist for the American government. We live in Canada." Frank said, while Hazel quietly scolded Daniel to sit still and don't hit his sisters.
"Hey hey! I'm Leo, Bad Boy Supreme, Super Sized McShizzle-Ow!" Calypso elbowed him in the ribs. "Okay, sunshine. I'll be real. I'm Leo Valdez, and this is my wife, Sunshine-I mean Calypso Valdez, and these are our boys, Asher and Phoenix. We have our own business. Leo and Calypso's Auto Repair and Mechanical Monsters." Leo said, and Calypso smiled and nodded. Then, everyone finally was feeling more comfortable with each other like old time and they all split up to talk like old times. Nico returned without Paris, who was sleeping in a guest room, and went up and wrapped his arms around Will, who was chatting with Percy and Jason. 
"She's asleep. I don't know how I did it, but she's out." he whispered, and Will pulled him close, letting him rest against his chest.
"Neeks? How long has it been since you've slept?" Percy asked.
"Couple... couple of days." Nico mumbled. Will had picked him up by then, and Nico's head was on his shoulder.
"Paris has been sick and he had time off while I didn't, so he's had to take care of her, because I was working until we got on the train to get here. And even then, he sat around with her, hushing her the way I can't." Will whispered.

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