Three Days in the Infirmary - Solangelo

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As soon as the infirmary had an open bed, Will went looking for Nico. It had been a few hours, so he knew Nico would be in his cabin, trying to heal on his own, and Will was having none of it. He marched into the Hades cabin, but he wasn't ready for what he saw there. 
Nico was miserable. He was almost to the point of hoping he was dead or almost dead. He could hardly breathe, his cuts were infected, and he was pretty sure he was coming down with the flu. He was focusing on breathing when the door opened and who else but Blondie-McApollo-Boy poked his head in. Will crossed the room quickly, taking Nico's wrist carefully, just to assess his injuries.

"Nico, your right lung is almost fully collapsed, you've got 3 broken ribs, a broken foot, all those cuts of yours are infected, and you're coming down with the flu. You're coming to the infirmary with me right now." Will says, immediately becoming protective of the younger boy.

"Will, I'm fine. See?" Nico tried to sit up, almost panicked as to not go to the infirmary, but he couldn't breathe like that, and Will could tell. 
"Come on, kiddo." Will said, picking Nico up. Nico was glad Will couldn't see his face, because his blush was uncontrollable, deathly ill or not.

"I can leave after a few days, right?" Nico asked. Will smiled.

"Three days and you can go." Will promised. Nico hoped he was less pink when Will sat him on a bed in the back of the infirmary, but Will had gone into full Healer mode, and he was giving Nico medicine, and checking his vitals, and he had almost given Nico an IV before realizing how hard Nico was shaking. Will set the medical equipment down. 

"What's wrong?" he asked gently. Nico took a very long, very difficult breath.
"I just... I don't like... I'm...." he tried. Will's eyes softened.
"Are you scared?" Will asked quietly. Nico was blushing pink again as he nodded, wiping his eye.
"It's so stupid.. sorry." Nico said. Will carefully laid a hand on Nico's.
"No it's not, Neeks. We all have our fears, but there isn't always a reason. I'm scared of birds and quiet. Couldn't tell you why. I just am. I mean, birds are my father's sacred animals. But I'm terrified of them. You're scared of hospitals. That's okay. We'll work with it. Right now, you are my only patient. My siblings have the rest handled." he reassured Nico, unsure if it was working. Nico looked a little more relaxed, knowing Will was the only one taking care of him. "But I do need to put this IV in, okay? I'll move as slow as you need me to, and I'm here if you need a hand to hold. I'm your doctor and your moral support, I guess." Will said, and Nico smiled a little. "Can I start?"he asked, and Nico nodded slowly, and Will headed to the supplies and gets the IV and medicine bags and a little swab to clean Nico's arm. He then remembered that Nico is still wearing his Hawaiian shirt, and it probably wasn't helping his wounds heal because it was so dirty, so he grabbed a spare t shirt from the back, lucky that it was black, and some gym shorts, because that's usually what they had patients change into once they're better, but need to stay for a while. He brought all this over to Nico, who looked questioningly to the clothes. "Would you be willing to change? I don't think those ripped, dirty clothes are helping your cuts heal." he explained. Nico laughed out loud at himself. "What?" Will asked.
"I just thought to myself, those clothes aren't the only things that are ripped and dirty." Nico said, and flexed pathetically while trying to smirk, making Will crack up. "And yeah, I would be willing to change, but you have to cover your eyes." Nico added. Will shrugged, covering his eyes. But he couldn't help but peek as Nico peeled off his old shirt, and he had to bite his lip. Even with a million cuts and gashes, Nico had a six-pack, and he was hot. He closed his fingers quickly before Nico saw, and then waited.
"Hey, Will.... could I get some help?" Nico asked suddenly. Will nodded. "Take your hand off your eyes, blondie, and come help me get my skinny jeans off of my broken foot." Nico chuckled. Will moved swiftly over and helped Nico work the jeans off with a lot of wincing and when they squeezed over the broken spot, Nico's hand gripped Will's shoulder so hard he felt like it was going to fall off. Will wasted no time from there, because from the feel of it, Nico's foot was broken, and badly, and needed to be set soon. He helped Nico get the gym shorts on, his hand carefully avoiding Nico's slim hipbones and... below them. Then he took the IV supplies and set them on the table next to Nico.
"Okay, so here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to swab your arm where the IV goes in, and then I'm placing the actual IV. It's simple, you just can't let yourself be worked up about the whole thing. And remember, it's me here, not some white-coat doctor, okay? Let me know if you need a minute." Will said calmly.
"I know, Will. Go ahead, before I do freak myself out." Nico said. Will quickly swabbed Nico's arm, and looked at him. 
"You may want to close your eyes." he started, but Nico was way ahead of him. "Do you want my free hand?" Will asked. Nico shook his head, but Will saw his clenched fist, and took his hand anyway. "I don't want you losing any more blood than you have to. Squeeze my hand if you need to, okay? On the count of three. One, two, three." Will said, and stuck in the IV. Nico gripped his hand tightly, but no signs showed that it hurt him badly. Will got the fluids going, and sat for a minute. 
"I'm going to feel your foot a little bit, just to see what we're dealing with." Will said, even though he already knew. It was a relatively clean break, but it was moved strangely so setting it was not going to be fun for Nico. But he was checking again, and praying to his father that he had gotten this wrong. He carefully held Nico's(very small) foot and moved it around. Nico was just trying not to scream, pretending to be braver than he actually was. Will just sighed. He was totally right. About everything. Nico looked really tense when Will looked at him.
"What's wrong?" Nico asked. 
"It's really badly broken, but, good news, it's a clean break, which makes it easier for us to set it. Bad news, it's weirdly set right now which means we have to move it more, which makes it more painful for you. But Kayla is better with this, so I'm going to get her, okay? I'll be right back." Will assured Nico, and headed out of the room quickly. Nico wasn't even going to hide it this time. He was really scared, he really wished there was a way to heal quickly and painlessly. Will returned quickly, as he said he would, with Kayla. 
"Okay, Nico, so Will explained the deal. So he's going to sit up with you, and I'm going to set your foot as quickly as possible. Okay?" Kayla said. Nico was shaking again, but he nodded.
"Will already..?"
"He's a really fast talker." Kayla laughed, and Will smiled sheepishly, making his way up next to Nico. He sat on the bed next to him and leaned down.
"Are you okay, or do you want me to do anything else?" Will asked. His eyes widened, noticing the tears in Nico's eyes. Kayla was putting gloves on.
"We'll get started in a minute." she said, turning her back to do something else. Will grabbed Nico's hand gently.
"It's going to be okay, Neeks. I'm going to be right here. It'll only hurt bad for a minute or two while she's doing it and then the worst is over." Will comforted the younger boy. Nico wiped his eyes.
"I know. Thank you.. for being with me." Nico said softly. Will smiled, a beautiful smile that gave Nico butterflies, and nodded.
"Anytime." Will promised. 
"Ready, Nico?" Kayla asked. Nico looked at Will, too scared to talk, but nodded. 
"Come here." Will said, drawing Nico into him, and wrapping his arms around him. Nico held tightly around Will's mid-torso. Kayla picked up his foot and started. Nico whimpered quietly, and Will held him tighter. Nico buried his head deep into Will's chest, and Will rested his forehead on Nico's head. "Almost, love. Almost done. You're doing great." Will whispered over and over again. Nico was crying. He could feel the wetness on his t shirt. "I know it hurts, but it's almost over." he said, holding the smaller boy as close as he could while still being careful of his lung and ribs. He looked at Kayla, eyes wide, trying to say 'hurry up! '. She nodded. 'Almost done' she mouthed back. Nico was shaking and crying and whimpering, and Will almost couldn't take it. He was going to try his hand at magical medicines from here. He put his face in Nico's hair and before he could stop himself, he was kissing Nico's head. Kayla was placing Nico's foot on a pillow.
"You're done with the worst now, Nico. I'm going to wrap it and put a cast on, okay?" she asked. Nico nodded slightly. Will let him go. They peeled off of each other, but Nico didn't let go of Will's hand. He used his free hand to wipe his eyes and Will smiled his special smile and Nico just about melted, but he focused on calming down. Kayla quickly wrapped Nico's foot, and made a fairly strong cast over the wrap while Will helped Nico calm down. She quietly left to tend to other patients while Will looked up magical songs and chants to fix lungs and ribs. He found one rather quickly, which made him wonder how often this had been used. 
"This song is kinda creepy, so sorry in advance." Will said, placing the book on his lap and his hand on Nico's abdomen and started to chant/sing in Ancient Greek. Nico realized he was right, the song was ominous and creepy in general. But the melody was really pretty. Nico felt himself able to breath easier and with a little less pain as the song came to a close. Will closed the book and set it back where he got it and headed back over to the bed.

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