Visiting -//- Solangelo

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Nico decided that he should go visit Will at school today. He hadn't seen him in days, because he was so busy with end of the year exams, and he missed him so much. The 7, except for Frank, attended there as well, so he figured he'd come around lunch and they could all eat together. He laid around before he decided it was almost time to head to the school. He got dressed in his usual. Black skinny jeans, dark gray t-shirt, black converse. He'd usually wear combat boots or just boots, but he figured he wanted to look at least a little normal today. Then, he took his long hair, and got it to stay out of both of his eyes before calling an Uber to take him to the school. He would have called Jules Albert, but he figured an Uber was less suspicious than a driving skeleton.
When Nico arrived, and had paid the Uber driver, he walked into the school, and found quite a few kids sitting in the halls. He walked up to a group of 6 or so kids and cleared his throat. They stared at him for a second.

"Hi, sorry to bother you." Nico said, with absolutely no real indication he was sorry. "But do you know where I could find Will Solace?" he asked. That got everyone's attention really fast.
"Look, man. I know you think that as the most popular kid at school, Will's nice to everyone. But he's not gonna want to be your friend, I promise. He's got this super exclusive group of smart and athletic people he hangs out with." One of the girls said, shaking her head.
"Gods, just... tell me where to find him." Nico sighed. The girl looked at him.
"Gods?" someone else asked.
"I'm Greek." Nico shrugged.

"Okay then. Any who, this is Will's lunch period. The cafeteria is down the main hall to the right. There's a sign over the door." The first girl said.
"Thanks." Nico said, turning and walking in the direction he was told to go in. He could hear people following him, whispering to people as he passed by.
"He's going to find Will Solace.."

"Solace isn't going to give that emo weirdo the time of day." and of course that one moron who shouted
"Hey idiot! Will's not your friend!" as he walked into the cafeteria. Will was surrounded by people at his table. Nico moved that way. Another dumb-ass shouted over the crowd.

"Hey, Solace! Emo at 4 o'clock!" and Will immediately looked up and right at Nico. His smile went from polite to that blinding Apollo sunshine smile that Nico loved.

"Why's he smiling?"
"What's their deal?" were common whispers Nico heard as the two moved towards each other.

"Neeks?" Will asked.
"Hi, tesoro." Nico grinned.
"Neeks? And what the hell does tesoro mean?" someone whispered. Nico noticed that Will's crowd was mainly girls, and tried not to laugh. Will opened his arms, and Nico flung himself into them.
"Nice of you to visit." Will chuckled.
"I haven't seen you in so long because of school, I wanted to see you." Nico explained. "I've missed you a lot." he whispered.
"Aww, babe. I've missed you, too." Will whispered into Nico's hair. they pulled apart, and saw that the whole cafeteria was staring. Nico raised his eyebrows, and the two started cracking up.

"Gods. Just come here already." Will groaned, pulling Nico in for a kiss, and the whole cafeteria gasped, and Nico heard a lot of the girls say
"No way." and he kept himself from laughing. When they pulled away, everyone was gaping.
"Oh, did I forget to mention that Will isn't my friend? He's my boyfriend." Nico glared at the two kids who had yelled at him.
"I guess I forgot to mention that I'm gay." Will laughed. "C'mon, love, let's have some lunch." Will said, leading Nico to his now girl-crowd-free table.
"That was quite a show, you two." Percy chuckled. "Also, Jason, you owe me 10 drachmas. I bet him that you two would kiss in public by the time this school year ended." he added, explaining.
"Hey, sweetie. How've you been?" Hazel asked her brother, hugging him.
"Pretty good. You?" Nico asked, kissing her head.
"Good. Finally got Frank convinced to come down for graduation and the dance. Of course, as soon as Percy explained how many guys have asked me, he was ready to turn into an eagle right there and fly over." Hazel giggled.
"We may have had to go into lock down if he had. He'd have gone full Mars on us." Leo rolled his eyes. Piper and Annabeth nodded.
"Anyway... you're here." Will said, wrapping his arm around Nico's waist.
"Well, of course. Who else would come to this hellhole just for you?" Nico said. Will grinned.
"No one. Duh." he said, laying his head on top of Nico's.
"Shut up, Valdez." Nico blushed.
"Awww, that's some blush, Neeks." Will said, kissing his boyfriend's cheek. Nico looked sunburned (Haha. SUNburned. Get it?) from all the blushing he was doing. "How about I make you blush all day? You and me. Get out of here." he whispered. Nico grinned.
"Sounds good. Shall we?" he nodded.
"We shall." Will said, taking Nico's hand. "Hey, Jason, cover for me, 'kay?" Will asked Jason, who nodded. They headed out the door, but the lunch monitor stopped them.

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