Chapter 3

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  Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the first two chapters. I know they were small.Now I am going to increase the length of each chapter.
Chapter 3:

  "Aw! It's 7'o clock...", I said looking at the wall clock.
   I was really shocked because it's gonna be late for my office. Thinking so I woke up and got ready. I remembered very well about the one I dreamt of last night.Yes! he's the stranger.Hmm! "My stranger", actually.
I don't know why he got a special place in my heart.
Three questions rolled in my mind.

"Can a person whom I never met ,create such a huge impact on me and my thoughts?"

"Who is he?"

"What does he mean to me?"

   Thinking all this stuff, I came downstairs greeting my mom and dad a pleasant morning. I had my breakfast hurriedly and I came out to pick up the one I do everyday(local train).

    As it was already late, I moved faster and was finally succeeded in finding a train. I sat in the place I used to sit everyday.

   Asusually, I sat near the window and looked outside at the busy people. It is a pleasant day and the climate added some love and romance to it.

    I again got a glimpse of that stranger who left me in thoughts yesterday. I don't even know his name. I don't know what he does,who he is....,while all these questions were rolling in my mind, I heard a deep voice from my left-side.

    "Hey, Good morning", someone said. At a quick glance,I turned around.My jaw dropped on to the floor looking at the stranger.

  "Oh! the same person", I saw the day before.

    He is tall, obviously handsome and looked lovely in his blue suit.His messy black hair was totally covering his forehead.He then again wished me Good Morning.

     Then I came back to my own senses and tried to wish him back but my throat went on dry at that instant.I don't know why this has happened. After a few seconds, I looked at him and with a small tone, I wished him good morning.

   My heart began to race when he sat beside me. I began staring at him as if there is no tomorrow. I was unable to keep my eyes out of him. I know very well that it would look awkward.But still I can't, because his eyes had already caught mine.

    The dark background around him made him look even more brighter. I can't hear anything around me,

"The lovely birds chirping",

"The busy passengers walking through the compartments",

"The old men's debates",

"The naughty girls' giggles" and

"The young boys' fights".

   I said to myself,"Hey Helena! Stop acting weird".Then I took out a novel written by Chetan Bhagat,a famous writer. I am a huge fan of his stories. His every story takes the readers to a different world.They are my alltime favourite stories.I tried to pass the time and read the novel I carried.But my plan has completely drowned.This novel too has not diverted my mood.

   At the very moment,while I was staring at him,he suddenly looked at me.He gave me a cute smile with the dimples on his cheek,for which every girl in this world would be ready to fall for.

    Then I gave him a reminiscent smile looking straight into his eyes.This eye contact has made me fly like a free bird.But this was soon broken as I got my station.So, I stepped out of the train with his memories.

    And I moved to my office in the top floor....


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