Chapter 24

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Helena's POV:

It's still 4 o' clock in the evening. I've been waiting from hours for the clock to strike seven . This is just because I'm eager to meet Chase. It's been a very long time since I've spoken to Chase full-fledgedly irrespective of the casual talk we had in the meeting last day.

Moreover, trying to meet a person whom we love the most creates an excitement in us for sure. This is what is happening to me now. I'm not sure about what he's gonna tell me today,but if everything permits and if I get to know that Hailey is lying, I'll definitely propose him today . I can't lose him for anyone. He's very precious to me.

At first,when Chase spoke to me on phone, inviting me to the restaurant , I was in a dilemma if I should attend.
I got this feeling just because of Hailey's words. But later, I decided that I shouldn't lose him.

Hailey has been telling me that Chase and herself are in relationship. But,the way Chase talks and looks at me doesn't reveal that he's in relationship with somebody else. Instead ,his looks showcases pure love.....

It's 6:00pm now . Thinking of him / dreaming of him has skipped two hours very easily . I had a hot shower and wore a blue long frock which I bought for a special moment. I think this is the one.

I had my hair curled and later after making sure that I was looking good, I searched for my car keys and tried to open the door. I really am excited to meet him. I wish he too feels the same. I've been thinking how to approach or talk to him first.

What would be his expression when he sees me? Would it be just like the one when he saw me the first time???......., I've been thinking everything......

At the very moment,the door bell rang. I wondered who it might be at this hour. I slowly opened the door....
I was shocked seeing the unexpected person infront of me.

It's Hailey......

She smirked at me and entered the room without welcoming her inside. I already expected this kind of behaviour from her. She came into the hall and sat on my couch. She then stood for a while looking at me laughing. She then began saying,

" Hey poor lady!!!!
You're looking fabulous.....
Whatsup babe....
Where are you going?
Come sit. Let's talk....."

Saying all this,she grabbed me on to the couch. I'm not sure what she's gonna tell me now. As usually, she commented me with a nasty laugh.

" Listen to me carefully.... I know very well that you're loving Chase. But, now , leave him. He's mine. Did you understand?", she spoke in a warning tone....

I really don't like such tone from others. I know that Chase is not loving her and moreover they are not in a relationship. But I just want a confirmation. She has been lying all the time. This time,as I already said, I want to get clarification about this. So, I started speaking very confidently......

" Look Hailey! I'm not a kid to believe in all the shit you say. I know that Chase is not loving you. He's mine. He's loving me. So,for now, I'm going to meet him in about a few minutes. So,you can leave....", I said this showing her way outside.

She laughed like a villain very loudly and began saying,

" WTF! Even this poor girl is speaking face-to-face. How funny! Okay.... Let's have some serious conversation now. Let me tell you about me and my status first .

Unlike you, who works under someone, I own a huge company . I can do whatever I feel like.
Well! Finally you understood that Chase is going to propose you now in the Brent's restaurant. Fine.....
Now,that you came across the fact that Chase is not loving me, I will tell you what I can do to Chase if you accept his proposal....."

I seriously felt it like a warning. She confirmed that Chase is not loving her. But, what is she thinking of herself? She's in a trance that she could do anything to me and Chase. Who on earth has told her about me and Chase's meet at the Brent's restaurant today, I wondered. Does she think she makes some sense......?

What can she do to Chase? Chase is rich enough like her. He too owns a company. How can she attack him ? Is she trying to frighten me?..... , I was thinking in myself.

I heard Hailey calling me....

" Getting afraid? Poor little girl! You don't have an idea about what I can do. If I want something to happen, it should happen at any cost. Nothing could stop me from doing that. That is me.

Chase knew about me very well. I can collapse his entire business in a fraction of seconds if I want to. As you already know, Chase has worked very hard to bring his company to top position.

This is not just restricted to his company or the business. I can attack him in any way. I can't assure you that I'll stay calm throughout. If you accept him, there might be a chance of attacking him directly since this is a matter of my prestige and ego. I have network all over. I'll get to know everything going between you and Chase.

I know you love him and care for him .... That is why I'm telling you. Don't just get into dreams of leading a happy life with him. I can't see you with him.

Finally, if you truly love him and expect the best to happen to him, don't just dare to accept his love. Otherwise things may become worse than you expect........ This is a sweet warning babe...... Have a nice day.....",
she gave me a cunning look and left the place.

My heart skipped a beat listening all this. Her cruelty is clearly visible in her words. I really care for him. I don't want all this shit to happen to Chase. Infact, I can't bear if something wrong happens . These words of Hailey frightened me a lot. I don't know what to do.

I can't take a chance incase of Chase. Hailey seems to be a bit too serious about this issue. If she comes to know that I accepted him, she may definitely do something bad to him. I don't want that to happen.

I began crying unknowingly. I never thought that I will be too sensitive. This might be because I was emotionally connected to Chase.
I don't want him to be in a bad position just because of me.

I shouldn't meet him now.....

This would be the best decision.....

"I'm sorry Chase..........."

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