Knew... You Knew Me.

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5 Years Later

May 10th, 2024

New York

"Lana! You're diploma came in!" Clo called out from the living room. I threw my book down and ran out to meet her. I ripped open the package that held the ticket to the rest of my life. I opened it and tears started swelling up in my eyes.

"We should put it right next to your Julliard diploma." Jas chirped from the computer screen. I was too in awe to really be listening to what they were saying. The past 6 years of my life just flew by. First, I graduated from Julliard with a Bachelors in Musical Theatre. Now, I have my diploma from New York University saying I have a Master's in Education and Psychology. I can now be a vocal coach or teach performance classes at high schools. Which is what I want to do after I've retired. Maybe I can go for my doctorate and be able to teach college. I could possibly get a job at Julliard. That would be a dream.

"What do you think Lana?" Clo asked causing me to look up at her. She was holding my Master's Diploma next to my Bachelor's.

"Looks great. We can hang it up when we get home tonight." I offered, while heading into the kitchen to grab breakfast.

"I thought you'd be more excited than this." Clo wondered as she placed my diploma on the living room table.

"Yea, you've been working for 6 years for this." Jas added while scurrying around her temporary apartment trying to get ready.

"Of course, I'm excited." I shoved a piece of toast down my throat before continuing. "However, I have a million more things on my to-do list to be worried about."

"There's nothing on your list that you can't handle. You got this." Clo replied encouragingly while grabbing an apple from the basket.

"Please, enough about me. Let's focus on how Clo is doing in the recording studio." I diverted attention away from me and shoved it onto Clo. Clo choked on her toast, surprised by the turn in conversation.

"Yea, how's the album coming?" Jas pestered. Clo had started working on her debut album. Her agent is working on getting her a lot of good publicity so that when she does release her album she'll have a sturdy enough fan base to carry her to stardom. She's already well on her way there. Her social media accounts easily have 1 to 2 million followers and she's performed in front of crowds before. She's even released a hit single that has reached the top ten on the billboards top 100. Her agent is just trying to speed up the process of releasing the album so her fans aren't kept waiting and while she's still in the spotlight.

"It's good, but super stressful. I feel like I don't sleep anymore. I spend all day and all night in the recording studio. I can't remember the last time I actually spent more than 1 hour in sunlight." Clo answered exasperated.

"It'll all be worth it in the end. I'm cheering for you and will be the first purchase when your album drops." Jas encouraged while flashing Clo a beaming smile.

"Thanks Jas. I really miss you." Clo replied.

"Yea, Jas, how are you doing? I miss you so much!" I asked scooting over to where the computer was. Clo and I were Facetiming Jas. Jas is currently stationed in L.A. filming this this awesome action romance movie. She's been out there for about 6 months, so she should be done filming any day now. Even still, she'll have to be back in L.A., and around the world, soon after that to appear at premiers and promote the movie. I'm so incredibly proud of her, but I really do miss seeing my best friend every day. It's weird seeing her room in our apartment so empty.

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