Rehearsals Start Tomorrow

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The sound of my phone ringing startled me out of my sleep. Something that has been happening all too frequently recently. I reached over to my night table and felt around for my ringing device before answering it.

"This better be good." I answered groggily.

"Well it's only your favorite person in the whole world, asking you for a huge favor." Asher's voice flooded my ears and sprung me awake.

"For you, anything." I replied before moving into a sitting position.

"Well, my sweet friend Lana, I need you to come watch me perform today. I have to perform a couple of songs from my album to my manager and some of my producers and I really need some support. Along with that they would like you to fill them in on the status of my mental stability and if I'm on track to start performing again soon." He rushed out.

"Of course I'll come. That's not even a question. When is it?" I asked letting out a yawn.

"Well... technically it's supposed to start in half and hour, but I'll call and tell them to push it back an hour so you have more time to get ready." He answered slowly.

"I'll be there as soon as I can Asher." I laughed.

"Alrighty. Look forward to seeing you. Bye!" He chirped before hanging up the phone. I quickly took a shower and got ready for the day before heading out of my apartment to the studio that Asher works at. They have a rehearsal space that they let their artists use on the bottom floor. Well, technically, the basement. I walk in and Asher immediately shoots over to me, engulfing me in a hug.

"You got here so fast." He whispered.

"I made have broken some traffic laws. The things I do for you." I teased. He just smiled back at me. "Okay, how are you feeling?"

"I am feeling... nervous? A little nauseous? Definitely nauseous. Um... I don't really know if I can do this. Like I know I can sing but I don't know if I can sing in front of people. I just... I've only really sang in front of you. And I sang in the booth, but like I can't really see through the glass so, you know? And now I'm just rambling. Am I having a panic attack? Is this a panic attack? This feels different than the firework incident. I can't breathe and... I feel like I'm going to throw up. I'm definitely going to throw up." He panicked. I just brought him close to me and squeezed tight.

"Hey, describe to me a really beautiful sight." I mumbled.

"Um, do you remember how clear the sky was on the night we met? The moon reflected on the ocean and I feel like there were more stars in the sky than I've ever seen before in my life." He stuttered.

"Good, good. No describe to me something you can touch. A nice feeling."

"Oh man, the first hit of the water touching my skin when we'd go swimming in our lake. It was great because it was always so hot and we would have to take a little hike to get there, but the feeling of the water was always amazing." He replied, his breathing getting stable.

"I always loved that feeling too. Okay. Tell me something you love to hear."

"The sound of rain. Not too heavy, but just a shower. The way it would tap against my window would put me to sleep."

"Now a smell."

"The smell of a fresh pot of coffee brewing. It would wake me up every morning because my dad would have a cup as soon as he woke up, which was at the crack of dawn."

"Now a taste."

"The taste of that crème brulee we had when we went to dinner with my parents." And with that last sentence I felt his breathing steady and he stopped shaking.

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